Berlin-Series (black & white)

July 17th, 2012
Hello 356ers! :)

In the coming days I'll upload pics from my Berlin-journey!
Two of them are already uploaded on my account. I would be happy about you feedback or comments :)

BERLIN #1 | Bradenburg Gate:

BERLIN #2 | Berlin Central Station:

thanks for your interest! :)
July 17th, 2012
Really like #1 that is a great shot. #2 was almost great until I saw the tree.
Look forward to the rest of your photos. Berlin is a great city.
July 18th, 2012
The first one is fantastic. Love it.

The long shutter in 2 is also excellent - the sky really looks great. If I had to be critical, I would say the composition is missing something. Perhaps without the tree it would have been better with so many straight lines. Not sure.

I am deliberately being critical though. I had a look through your album - some great shots in there!
July 25th, 2012
Both are fantastic, but my favorite one is the first one!!! I love the contrasting black and white! It's almost glowing! Great job!
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