Comments and Critiques

July 20th, 2012
I would really appreciate some constructive comments about my pictures - I have posted two here, the rest are on my facebook page.

Debi's Photos

July 20th, 2012
@debihas27 Best way to get comments and critiques when you join and are getting started is to comment and follow others whose pictures you enjoy. Others will find and follow you and comment regularly. You can check the browse area above to see people who are posting now. You can go to new faces to check other newbies like yourself. If you see a photo you like or strikes a chord in yourself, comment on it. Look through their portfolio and see if it's someone you'd like to keep an eye on and follow. Have fun. Make it your project, do it as you want. Oh yes, and put a little biography by your name.
July 20th, 2012
I agree with @lynnb!
Some extra advice: please also make it nicer for people to follow and comment to you by giving yourself an avatar (even if you don't want to use your portrait), to write something about yourself in your profile. It's like in the normal world: you want to know who you are speaking with. And give a title to your photos instead a photonumber plus a small story.
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