Critique Welcome For Newbie:)

July 26th, 2012
hellllo yall. im new to this and ive probably been taking pictures for a couple months. i really enjoy doing it, especially with nature and animal subjects. id really appreciate if anyone would look through my album if you have a minute to spare. please dont be too mean lol but i would like some feedback and any advice concerning what i can do better to capture yalls attention and or eyes. thank you :DD
July 26th, 2012
Hi Alexa, seems I'm your first follower! As far as your photos go, I wouldn't change a thing; for the most part they are great! But nobody knows you are here! ... which is a shame! Feel free to follow some people, and fave some of their photos (I fave for two reasons; either I really like the photo, or I will use the photo later for inspiration). Starting up this thread is another great way to introduce yourself! Also check out the popular page and comment on the photos you particularly like ( and check out the "New Faces" page and introduce yourself to other people that started around the same time you did ( Now that I am "following" you, your photos will show up in my news feed so I can comment on them. Keep up the great work!
July 26th, 2012
Hi Alexa. Have been looking through your album and you have some great shots there. Just want to say that if you want views and critiques you need to follow other 365ers and comment on their shots. That way, you'll attract followers for your own beautiful project. A good way to do this is to go to the Browse tag and click on Latest and Popular and check out the shots that attract your attention. Just a few words of appreciation or feedback on other 365ers shots will often be enough to gain a following. Good luck with the rest of your project. Am now following.
July 26th, 2012
Thanks Aaron, for following and giving such a great compliment! i really appreciate it. I think i just might do that, ha thank ya!
July 26th, 2012
Thanks Robin! Means a lot as well, really appreciating the support :)
July 26th, 2012
@alexathemermaid Thanks for the follow, Alexa. Just one more hint; when you reply to someone first click on the Reply button beside their name as I have above. That way, your comment will be added to their Notifications list for them to refer to. You can check your own Notifications to see whether anybody has mentioned you in a comment, too.
July 26th, 2012
Alexa, I took a look and I am looking forward to seeing your shots, you have cat, horse, bug and flower shots, all my kind of likes. I think you can teach me a few things,
July 26th, 2012
Welcome to 365! I looked through your album and you have some great shots! I followed and look forward to seeing your shots!
July 26th, 2012
hey you have a new follower, i think your monthly calendar looks somewhat uniform, you have some great ideas you seem to be working on portraits of pets and critters, also i like your close ups of foliage and flowers. its nice you have a cute cat to follow around on some days

im not able to give master advice but some things im working on are
-learn how to deal with harsh light
-take shots mostly between 2 hours after sunrise and 2 hours before sunset
-seems a really nice sunset shot has no sun in it
-contrast can be your best friend or worst enemy
-remember to look up cropping tools like the golden spiral, rule of thirds, diagonals and other composition tools
-check your camera setting before you shoot
-make killer slide shows
-avoid flash, looks to plastic, find the best available light and use your equipment to compliment your subject
- unless you have a client to please photograph for yourself, dont listen to anyone whos work you dont like
July 26th, 2012
@eryck The only thing I would change to your advice is not to "avoid" the flash, rather learn how to use it to your advantage, even if it's the pop up flash on your camera.
August 5th, 2012
@eryck - I adore your comments!
@alexathemermaid - Your choices are great keep shooting.
September 23rd, 2012
@eryck There's some great advice, things to think about here but I have to say that I agree with @shadesofgrey regarding use of a flash. Experiment with sources of light including the flash, mock up reflectors using bright white artist board or even tin foil wrapped over card facing a sun-flooded window.....light is after all what we are chasing?! :)
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