Photo Framing / Composition - Please critique

August 9th, 2012
I try not to cut people's heads off in photographs. In this one though, I really wanted the focus to be all about the horse. It was impossible to take the photograph without the rider in it. So, I tried to zoom in (and then crop in) on the horse retaining as little of the rider as possible. To me, it does not look like a picture of a person with no head. I would love to know what you think and how this photograph could be better taken / framed /cropped.

Thank you in advance for your help!

August 9th, 2012
Yikes! Look at that tongue! Is that a normal color for it? I think the crop is nice, you definitely focus on the horse, and the chevrons give some cool context, as does the rifle. I like it.
August 9th, 2012
@m9f9l Yup. That is the color. The edges of his mouth and teeth had more greenish tint. I would guess he had been eating grass recently.

Thank you for your input.
August 9th, 2012
If you can, try to select and blur the background in a photo editing program. That will help draw the attention towards the horse.
August 9th, 2012
@pschtyckque I thought of that too, but then discarded the idea. The left background is already blurry enough, and the rider has very interesting information to add. I think the horse definitely stands out.
August 9th, 2012
@m9f9l It wouldn't need to be as severe as the left side. Maybe a gentle blur? It's a good image, to be sure. :-)
August 9th, 2012
@pschtyckque It wouldn't be easy to select the area... maybe not the arm, but the torso? No. I think you'd lose the buttons and the collar and those are cool!
August 9th, 2012
Fair 'nuff. As for cropping, I think you done good. :-)
August 9th, 2012
i thnk you have made it all about the horse, looks great to me
August 9th, 2012
@pschtyckque @m9f9l @kmrtn6

Thank you for your input. I know only the very basics of editing, but I might try what you suggested, Chris, just to see the difference it would. I don't know how I would do that yet, but it's one more thing to put on my learning list.
August 9th, 2012
ive found the most friendly editing software that is free to be picmonkey, give it a try and see how you get on
August 9th, 2012
@kmrtn6 The very little editing I do so far is in iPhoto. I keep reading about pic monkey on this site. It's another thing I had never heard of before coming to the 365. I will definitely try it out. Thanks!
August 9th, 2012
@nadaa I did a quick Photoshop mockup (I hope you don't mind).

August 9th, 2012
yeah there is pixlr and ipiccy too, but i think picmonkey is more friendly.
chris that looks good, i see how the use of a little blurring does draw you more to the horse - thanks for the visual tip. there are times when i could've done this but didnt :o)
August 9th, 2012
@pschtyckque I certainly don't mind. Thank you for showing me your suggestion visually. That does draw greater attention to the horse and makes him stand out.

Thank you for taking the time to edit and repost.
August 10th, 2012
@nadaa Did you try to tilt crop the image? You would have been able to crop out the rider by trying that.
August 10th, 2012
@pschtyckque very nice!
August 10th, 2012
@flagged Thank you for your suggestion. I will try the different suggestions people have posted on this and other photographs.
August 10th, 2012
Here is what I would of done and I agree with Chris @pschtyckque

I really think the rider adds to the story so it would of been nice to get them in the picture, however you dont have to have the focus of the picture.

I would of opened up my F stop to as fast as I could get it. f2.8 or faster (the lower the number the faster the lens). This also would of helped reduce the ISO on the image and reduce the noise in the image.

Opening up your f stop and focus on the horse eyes would of blurred the rider and kept the focus on the horse but kept the story of the image.

the composition is not so hot in this photo as the horse is smack bag in the middle of the frame. When I take horse photos (which I take about 2000 per month) I keep some space in the direction the horse is travelling. This gives a feeling of motion and direction.

Does that help?
August 10th, 2012
@agima I appreciate all suggestions as I am hoping to learn and really improve through this whole journey. Thank you.
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