Introducing Critique

January 28th, 2010
Thanks to some great site feedback, we've introduced this new category of discussion.

In here you can ask for feedback and constructive critique on one of your photos, how to make it better, an ideal crop or maybe asking for tips on how to achieve a cool effect they have seen on somebody elses photo.

To post one of your photos in a discussion topic, go to your project page, on the right hand side there is a link to "More Sizes" clicking this brings up a little window with all the code you need to embed different sized photos in to a discussion area, just copy and paste that and you are away.

A few things to remember...
- Please do not post any photos larger than the "Main" size (aka the one you see on your project page)
- Only post 1 photo for critique per topic, got 2 photos? create 2 topics, that way people can reply much easier and it's far easier to follow the conversation.
- This area is for constructive criticism! Please be courteous to your fellow 365ers. We value good feedback and advice, but we don't want anyone getting offended by inappropriate remarks.

I look forward to seeing some great feedback and discussion about peoples work.

January 28th, 2010
For those interested the conversation started here....

I'm going to paste a couple of concerns here just so we are on the same page.

Travis Lyman says:
I think if every person who wanted help posted in a single section we would have so many threads, photos would get lost. Even if a small portion of people posted I think your thread would be buried in hrs.

Juan Gil says:
To be honest, at least for myself, I'd be posting in another area. Since I want criticism on all my photos, I would be making a thread every day for every photo. I'm sure other people on here would do the same thing. Plus, I always thought the comments section on the photo's page was specifically for that. Not only that but if you wanted to go back thru past days, weeks, months, it would take longer to locate a specific picture.
January 28th, 2010
Hi Travis,

Thanks for the quick reply.

People can and should still ask for critique on their own project pages, we encourage that!

This is an organised area where people can read through other people critique without needing to go through every single users project pages.

If a new user wants to find out how to do a long exposure photograph, it would be easier to find in a discussion topic than it would be to find on a random date in someones project. It would be great if the valuable information in a persons comments could be useful to everyone.
Having them in a discussion category also means we could later further categorise or search through them, meaning less duplicates and more valuable and easy to find information for everyone to learn from.

With regards to topics getting "lost" I think we should see how it goes and if it isn't working we can always adjust how the process works.
January 28th, 2010
I see what your saying and I do think this is a great way for others to learn from peoples mistakes.

Can you still help us maybe come up with a 'tag' that maybe can be used for daily photos? Then help us get the word out?

Thanks for the help Ross, it is much appreciated.
January 28th, 2010
if all photos to be critiqued will be here....once the pages start piling can add a link in our settings/profile to view all topics started by yourself. that way we don't have to sift through all the pages of topics that aren't ours....
January 28th, 2010
that got complicated lol

i think it's a great idea ross!
critiques welcome to still be put in the daily comments section
but if u want further critique, and critique only, not a pat on the back for effort..

post in the Critiques thread :)

but maybe we should do a photoforum kind of style
one discussions area called 'critiques' or whatever & then u post individual threads in that area? is that possible? otherwise, it'll be hard to know which comment is for which picture...

anyways, if that made any sense ..
i like the idea :p
January 28th, 2010
good idea Gary, I want to get some more advanced options & search implemented with the discussion boards soon.

Yep sarah, i think one photo per topic will be best.
January 28th, 2010
Maybe, if you start a critique topic for a certain picture, if you later go back to that picture in your "365" folder, there's a link from it to the critique topic pertaining to it...?

Perhaps that would stop threads getting "buried", and would help people to read the critique of a photo months on, when the discussion thread itself has slipped off the top page... You could just go to the photo you're interested in, in your project page, and click straight through to the discussions about it...
January 28th, 2010
I like the idea of the thread. Would it be overkill to add a "critique" tag? That way we could also browse photos that are looking for feedback with thumbnails.

This goal may be also accomplished by having it in one discussion area. I just like the idea of having many in one area instead of spread out, because I know I'll want to browse and learn from everyone, even threads from months ago and it'd be nice to have them in one area that's easy to find. Having a discussion section (named critique like tips and tricks) would let us skim down by title (oh, this person's having trouble with focus, this one with lighting, etc.)

Just my two cents. If what you proposed will accomplish that and I'm just having trouble envisioning it, then ignore me! ;-) I am loving the site and how helpful it's already been in making me a better photographer, which is one of the reasons I decided to do it.
January 28th, 2010
I'm going to start using the "critique" tag on those photos which I want feedback on.

If a lot of people start using it, it will have more presence in the tag cloud ( and come into general use!

January 28th, 2010
J and Maria Z, I think that's a brilliant idea.
January 28th, 2010
James/Maria it seems several other people including myself are using the tag "CC" since its short and kinda coded. Perhaps you guys could use that tag as well.

I'm also thinking I may post in this section a photo that I may not have used for 365 cause it wasn't quite great and don't know how to make it better. That way I still get comments on the one I did post and get feed back on the ones that just didn't quite cut it.
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