using actions downloaded from the web

December 5th, 2012
I've never used actions before tonight, but tried it out for my get pushed challenge this week... below is a shot edited using Paint the Moon's action called Sea Delight (or maybe Urban Delight - the labeling was a bit confusing)... and below that is the SOOC version (pre-crop)...

I'm a bit ambivalent about the result, altho' i expect is partly about the original photo, and partly that this is not the kind of editing i would normally do...

I would be interested in your thoughts on this photo as well as on using actions generally, what to look for in selecting them, and any recommendations you might have for which actions are out there...


edited version using the action:

December 5th, 2012
To be honest I've never heard about actions from the web so have never used them!

With above, it may be my monitor but I actually prefer the sooc shot, the one with the action has a kinda greeny sky but maybe it's just a personal preference like everything else to do with photography :)
December 5th, 2012
@sjodell no - i agree with you... i think i prefer the sooc version! altho' i think the water is a bit more vibrant in the edited version....
December 5th, 2012
yeah you have to be careful with actions because they can sometimes do more harm to a photo than good. i get all my photoshop element actions from coffeeshop, i'm not sure the direct link. I mostly just use the ones to make colors pop out more
December 5th, 2012
I like the original for this shot.
I've used Fx Panos actions mainly to get effects for photos i use in slideshows. You can find them here:
December 5th, 2012
I almost forgot....a friend of mine uses:

These are not free!
December 5th, 2012
I like your composition better in the sooc shot. I find it gives better depth to the shot. The water colour is better in the edited version, though. I think that you could do that in PS or LR without an action though?
December 5th, 2012
These are the one's I use from time to time....they cut down on my work load.

There not cheep...but when you have to develop 200-300 comes in handy.
December 5th, 2012
Looks like a "vintage" action. Those can be really nice with the right image, but it really depends on if the original image has colours and contrast that are appropriate for the action. It might work on one image and not on another. I prefer the SOOC in this instance.
December 5th, 2012
I think the thing about actions is that a particular action does not necessarily work with every photo, you have to find the right action for the photo. You also have to learn how to use and adjust them to get the look you are after.
December 5th, 2012
@veg66 I am with Joanne here, I have bought a couple of MCP actions. They are great, I don't use them all the time but when I do I am never dissapointed.
December 5th, 2012
I have recently started using RadLab (from Totally Rad) and I love it. It's like using actions, but you can see the result before you apply it. So fun and easy and it has really improved my shots.
December 5th, 2012
I think actions are a fine tool to use, but for this photo in particular, I like the original version best. I haven't tried using actions before, but I am sure they can be very useful!
December 5th, 2012
the florabella link is a great one to have but........i find the danger to be that a lot of photographers are churning out similar (although fantastic) looking photos. i imagine the purists will be crying out that it's all cheating. what the hey, like i said they look fantastic.
December 5th, 2012
oh I have just discovered actions because you posted this thread :-) ... didn't know they existed before, LOL ... I am all for cutting down on my workload and even though I have only just discovered them I am with Bluebell above ~ you have to find the right action for the right photo ~~ found lots of free downloads I am currently 'playing with'
December 6th, 2012
I have commented back on the original post in your 365 album. I think "actions" are a lazy way of using other people's creative instincts. There, I said it. For the mundane editing tasks, I think this one you present is one such just go to Photoshop and do it better yourself.

By "lazy" I mean that if you don't know exactly what is being done to manipulate the image, then I am not sure that it is really "good" to rely on such tools that you can't re-create yourself. of course, I love to know what is going on and always to "tinker" under the hood, so these "blind" edits don't really appeal to me.
December 6th, 2012
Actions don't work on every picture, but I'm a huge fan of Paint the moon actions
December 6th, 2012
some free actions here:
The ones for PSE 7&8 work fine for me on PSE10. I dont use them much but they are fun to play with.
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