Car Critique

August 28th, 2010
Alrighty, last week I was the photographer for a VW/Audi car show.

My photos for the most part, are very rainy but I had a few okay ones that turn out.

such as this:

Question is, how can I improve it? I have to get about 300+ photos edited and sent off to the head coordinator by the end of Sept

tips? Suggestions?

Thanks 365!

August 29th, 2010
Hi Wu,

looks like you got yourself a big job here with 300 edits.

Apart from minor saturation and shadow/highlight corrections (this can be achieved by recording a standard action in Photoshop, then repeating the action on each image) the images could also be run through a program like Topaz Adjust which will certainly make your images pop.

I think your main problem is that you need to isolate the car from the background in some way, and the only way I know is to add a mask around the car and add an effect to the background, this can be either a blur, fade, desaturate, or maybe all three of these effects.

With 300 images this will take some time, but the finished result might be just what you are looking for.

I took the liberty of downloading a copy of this image and applying this solution,

hope you like it:

August 29th, 2010
Whoa! That looks amazing!

Thanks for the tips and I'll definitely download that program

Thanks :)
August 29th, 2010
You *might* find that using a polarising filter over your lens can make some interesting reflective effects in the cars' paintwork too. Just an idea to experiment with, perhaps.
August 30th, 2010
Geez, Peter, that's fabulous! Wu, I don't have enough expertise to advise you, but I hope you share some of your before/after shots on here. It would be interesting to see what you have done. You will be a pro after that project! Good luck.
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