Am I any good?

December 30th, 2012
I have decided to put myself out there and ask the lovely people of 365, what you think of my photography? It's (almost!) been a year now, and I have learnt a little around the traps.

Admittedly, this year, I have hardly done any kind of research into photography, nor looked at much from other photography sites or books or online tutorials. Anything I have learnt, I have done so mostly from just doing my 365 project this year, participating a little on the broads here, comments and advice from followers and a tiny bit of other snooping around online.

So, my questions to anyone who has any kind of know-how into photography, are my photos any good? Do you think I might have an eye for it? Friends and family have commented that they think my photos are pretty good, but none of them know anything about photography.

This coming year, I will have more opportunity to source any courses, and be able to teach myself some things, and apply them, since I will be having more 'me' time, with my children attending day care/school twice a week. I live in a remote community, so any kind of courses or studies will either be online, or day course which I will have to drive for hours to attend (not to mention, needing childcare and spare money!).

I have really enjoyed doing the 365, and will likely continue for myself regardless, but I am just wondering if I have the potential, and if I do, I would look into putting more time, money and effort into it all.

Thanks in advance for your advice!
December 30th, 2012
Hi Kellie ..I just took a look through part of your album and I do think that you have a "great eye" for photography. Just continue on with what you're doing. If you can't get away from home, try some classes/tutorials online. I'm sure that others on here could tell you where some good ones might be. If you love shooting pics, don't give up. You have great subjects to take photos of where you live. Best of luck.
December 30th, 2012
Personally, I can see your love for photography in the pictures. That's a large portion of what is needed in order to get better. Being good isn't nearly as important as getting better.

I am by no means an expert, but I've learned a lot in the past year. I imagine some of what I've learned may help you. There are technical things to consider, like getting sharper focus, which is sometimes lacking. And also going easy on the edits. Sometimes editing can squash the simple beauty of a picture and untrained photographers can lean on it as a crutch.

Now for the really important part. Learn. Read books. Listen to podcasts. Look at pictures online. (500px, Flickr, or Deviantart are all great) Get inspiration. Take risks. Read articles. Go to websites. (My personal favorite is

Above all, if your camera (whatever one you use) is on an Auto setting, pretend it doesn't exist. Go as manual as possible. Learn how the camera works. Be able to adjust the settings without looking and still get a well-exposed, crisp shot off. (That's assuming you have a DSLR, if not you probably don't have the option of manual.)

I apologize for the novel I've written here. One last thing. Photography is an example to show the world how you see the world. My favorite pictures that I've taken are the ones that show the details that only I notice. You have a unique viewpoint to see the world. It's your job to show it as clearly as you can.
December 30th, 2012
@karenann, thank you! I do have a wonderful place around me to take photos of, as well as having my gorgeous kids to capture! I will continue with photography regardless, I am just wondering if it is worth it for me to put in alot of money, time and/or effort into it.
@circaus, thank you for the follow, and your lovely comments! And for the link and suggestions of where to go to learn more.
I often do have my camera on auto because I usually have my kids with me and it's time consuming to do adjustments manually. If I try, I usually lose the shot, so it has mostly been auto. I will be putting much more effort into learning how to manually adjust my camera and shots.
I will also either be buying or borrowing books to learn from as a starting point I think. And online tutorials are a great idea too! Before I go spending lots of money on courses and all that is involved, I will see how I go with improving with propper focus and attention to the subject!

Thank you both for your comments and suggestions.
December 30th, 2012
You seem to have a good eye for composition and some good ideas! I'd say what you lack most is technical perfection, but this could easily be acquired. I agree with @circaus , scrap the auto and use manual! Manual gives you a fabulous control over your situation, and until you master that you will always be at the mercy of good lighting and etc.

When you first start out with manual, it does take long to set up and you do tend to loose shots, but it's totally worth it! In time you become much faster and you quickly realise what settings you will likely need for the situation. Rather loose a few shots and get the perfect one, than land up with a bunch of inferior photos.

One other piece of advice I can offer is, save your money and learn from experience, books and the internet! Courses are so expensive, and you can really teach yourself all there is to know. 365 is an awesome place for learning - take part in the challenges and just experiment! I have never taken a course in all my life, but 365 has been a major learning curb! I learn something new from this site (and the internet in general) every day!

You obviously have a love for photography, and a good artistic eye, so now try and focus on learning how to use your camera inside-out! Have fun! :)
December 30th, 2012
I think you have a good eye for composition.
December 30th, 2012
I think you are but you do need to be exceptional to make a living at photography. Also its hard work taking photos of subjects that you don't find interesting. For £100 you can have a portfolio review with Charlie Waite, if you really want to know.

Cheaper to join a local camera club and enter some competitions?

Or maybe Royal Photographic Society membership?
December 30th, 2012
Wow, thanks everyone!
@victorypuzzle I have decided that I will try to teach myself what I can through the inexpensive options- borrowing from the library, online tutorials and just looking at photos and images I enjoy. Thankyou for you advice and comments!

@godders I'm not sure I would make a living out of photography...I don't think I'm that good, lol!
I am in remote Australia, so I don't think the review thing would be applicable for me. But thank you for the ideas. I will have a look around and see if there is anything suitable and realistically accessible for me. I know we have some local photography competitions I could enter, that's a great idea! I hadn't ever thought to enter them!
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