Lights in eyes???

January 5th, 2013
I decided to work on some specific things this year, and one of those things is portraiture. I took this of my daughter today, but am not completely happy with her eyes. I worked on brightening them up, but haven't had a lot of experience with this yet. The reflection of the light in her eyes completely replaces her pupil. All I can see is the light and my reflection. Was wondering what you all would do if this was your photo?? Any ideas or critiques are welcome!! Thank you all!

January 5th, 2013
I like it as it is! I'm not much in the way of editing, but I've seen a lot of photographers simply blur the pupils right out. It can create a bit of a creepy look at times, but sometimes works quite well. Worth a shot? :)
January 5th, 2013
@soupermario I've never thought of trying that. Thanks, Soup!
January 5th, 2013
Like can do spot exposure and clarity adjustments...I'd love to play with the original. :)
January 5th, 2013
....that being said, I like the light in her eyes how you have it :)
January 5th, 2013
@guaranteed Please feel free to have a go! I'd love to see what you come up with. I really want to learn...LOVE to learn new things!!!
January 5th, 2013
I like the light in her eyes too. And it looks like there is a silhouette of you taking the photo in them as well.
January 5th, 2013
Michelle, it's a great portrait! In "light" of what your specific goals are this year, I thought I'd link you this little article I found on the web:
January 5th, 2013
I think most lighting situations don't have the light source directly in line with the photographer, your picture showing the reason why. But I think that sometimes the rules need to be broken, and I can't imagine your shot working as well other than how you have it, without a secondary light source.
January 5th, 2013
i agree with the above, i like the light in her eyes!
January 5th, 2013
@m9f9l thanks for the link to the article!
January 5th, 2013
@tracywilliams would know what to do
January 5th, 2013
If you dont like the pupils why not paint in new ones?

They do give the image a interesting kind of feeling so I would leave them.

For me the image is a bit high key as I like to see texture in the skin but that is a personal preference.
January 6th, 2013
I actually think it is perfect the way it is :)
January 6th, 2013
@5unflow3r Thank you, Trina! That is me in the reflection...was a little afraid it made her eyes look cat-like. :)

@m9f9l Thank you so much, Mary! Thanks for the link too. I'll read it later when the kiddos are in bed. ;)

@paula365 @bluebell Thank you, ladies! Your comments make me feel a little better about it. See, I need more confidence in this area yet.

@agima Thank you, Brendan. I was hoping you would chime in with your expertise. :) I did try to paint them in, but couldn't get them to look right...maybe just needed a lower opacity. She looked a bit like an alien...ha!
January 6th, 2013
I thought of cat eyes, but there's nothing wrong with that :-)
January 6th, 2013
No No thats not an alien this is an alien.

ha ha ha..

To draw in the eyes you do a black circle with a small feather. You can also liquefy the eyes a little.

Then once you have the black circle you put a spot of noise in there so it looks real.
January 6th, 2013
I quite like the reflection of you in her eyes actually :)
January 6th, 2013
Personal taste :)
January 6th, 2013
@agima Ha! I remember that photo. I can handle the circle idea...still haven't tackled the liquefy tool though. Maybe it's time to give it a try. Thank you for the tips, Brendan.

@mmartin Thank you, Michelle! Your profile pic of your blue-eyed cutie is adorable, btw!
January 6th, 2013
@tryeveryday Thank you so much!
January 6th, 2013
This is beautiful, Michelle! I love seeing light reflecting in the eyes way more than the pupil itself! I think your right on here!
January 6th, 2013
@orangecrush Thank you so much, Jerry! Everyone's kind comments are making me feel so much better about this picture! Loved it as soon as I saw it on my camera but immediately started second guessing myself.
January 6th, 2013
I like the eyes too. This has nothing to do with your light, but I think I would like to see the image in color. I feel like her eyes sort of "blend in" where as if the image was color, they would jump out more against her skin and dark shirt and dark hair.
January 6th, 2013
i like it as it is.. catch lights are an essential part of composition for me when doing portraiture.. without them, i felt that my photos are quite boring hence not a "keeper" at all.

try to give a little more contrast to bring out more of the eyes :)
January 6th, 2013
@katiebrenkert Here's the SOOC version of this photo just so you can see it in color. I haven't done anything to bring out her eyes, though. This is just how it was out of camera before I played with it.

January 9th, 2013
@tryeveryday I actually like this better. I feel like her eyes, even without having done anything to them yet, have more of a presence in the photo. the color ties in with the deck and hair so it just, in my mind, makes them pop a little more. Especially with the soft tones of her face and lips.

Just me though. Very cute picture!
January 9th, 2013
@katiebrenkert Thank you for your opinion! I really do appreciate it. I played with this a little last night and decided I liked this one better than the b&w too. :)
January 10th, 2013
It is much better SOOC - the light capture in her eyes is perfect!
January 10th, 2013
What was your source of light?
January 10th, 2013
@godbreathed Thank you, Debbie!

@jeremiep It was the sun...we were on our deck.
January 10th, 2013
@tryeveryday Ho right it's hard to move the light then.
Maybe by moving a little to the right and down without her to move her face but just following you with her eyes you would have been out of the way and keeping the reflection in the eyes.
January 10th, 2013
@jeremiep Thank you for the tip, Jeremie! I'll have to try that the next time. I've decided to really work a lot on portraits this year, so I'll have lots of chances to try all the new ideas great 365'ers have given me.
January 10th, 2013
Good, if you want to work portrait i suggest you buy off camera light setup.
You can get a small field setup under 300$
It really make a difference!
January 10th, 2013
By the way i looked at your photo and i really enjoyed it
January 10th, 2013
@jeremiep Thank you, Jeremie! I was just looking at your Jello photo...very cool! I'm just an amateur...not needing to take portraits for anyone else but my family. I do not have any off-camera lighting or flashes at all. It's definitely on my wish list!
January 11th, 2013
@tryeveryday Bah, amateur or pro, the essential is the passion!
If your looking to buy let me know, i could give advices.
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