I want honest feedback about my work

January 11th, 2013
I've been doing this project for over 365 days. I'm friends tell me I take good photos. They call me talented. I think that in the "real" world I'm okay.

I want to know what people honestly think.

I will start by saying all my photos are taken with point and shoot camera. The first two months of my project I took them just using my camera phone.

So if you have a minute if you could look at some of my work and just tell me what you honestly think I would appreciate it.

Just try not to be too harsh. ;)
January 11th, 2013
Comparing the early days of your project to what you're shooting today, I see a dramatic change in composition, sense of perspective, and the ability to highlight the subject you want to display. It's always amazing to see how much we progress after working this art for a year! So looking at the last few months, I see a very good eye for composition, especially on the days when you clearly have the time to shoot. You have, in most of your shots, good lighting, good compositional structure, and good color tones. So honestly, I'd say you're doing just fine! You do take very good photos.

A couple of suggestions for the current year:
1. Watch the horizon lines. Unless trying to make an artistic statement, they need to be perfectly horizontal.

2. Be careful with the flash on people shots. It's really tough to direct an on camera flash (since it doesn't move) so maybe experiment with using more natural lighting around open windows, reflected light from lamps, candlelight, etc. It eliminates the harsh lighting on faces.

Overall, I think your choice of subjects is quite interesting, and I think you present them very well.
January 11th, 2013
I understand what you say, I joined a local Camera Society for this exact reason. Everyone ( friends , family ) would say that's a great photograph but I to be honest wasn't sure. At the club they hold competitions that are judged by photographers external to our club who all have the photographic qualifications etc. You certainly get critical feedback then. As long as your ego survives the shock ( and it can hurt ) it gives you starting blocks to be able to improve.
January 11th, 2013
Hi there,

I'm fairly new to this site, so I'm not sure how much my opinion's really worth, but here it is anyway:

I've looked at everything you've posted since November 1st, and honestly, I'd say I think you're about average for this site.

That said, I think the standard on 365 is really high considering we're mostly (all?) amateurs, and I would be happy to be called "average for this site" myself. :)
January 11th, 2013
I enjoy your photos, my friend, and I love that you are putting descriptions with them, too. I see improvement in your work lately. Loved, loved your recent with the great colors and reflections in the window.
January 11th, 2013
Let me have a look
January 11th, 2013
hey Sadie as you know Ive been following you for a while now and I just want to say your photos are good and others are great but its hard to be consistantly great all the time I have one or two photos that I realy like and they are not realy that popular and others that are popular and I honestly think are crap!! you have a great eye!! if I see somthing I dont like I will tell you:-D

January 11th, 2013
Hi Sadie,

I have looked to some of your last and your starting pictures and indeed, your progress is amazing.

That being said, i would go far to say i feel you have more to go yet (gladly we all do!).

I would put some effort in learning composition. First, second and third planes in a photography. Place something in the front, other things on the background. Try different angles and POVs. The relation between objects, colors, rule of thirds and so on.

What you do now is not bad, but at least to me some of your photos lack a point of interest. A more careful composition and balance between elements.

I have this book and it explains all this very very well. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Basics-Photography-Composition-David-Prakel/dp/2940373043/ref=pd_sim_b_40
January 11th, 2013
Sadie, Why don't you choose one of your photo's and then people can give feedback on that particular one. However you must remember that no matter what qualifications a person has to judge it is all in the eye of the viewer. Heard this all the time from better photographers than me. The same photo can do badly in one comp but do great in others. I think there is a part of us all that knows if we can achieve better or not, go with your gut

Had a look at your latest upload - First thing that hits me and would be picked up in a comp is it is not straight.... Easy to rectify in post editing

And just to be fair to you here is my latest upload, if this was in a comp I would be picked up for all the rubbish in the shot, Should clone it out with PS or similar.

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