What do you think?

April 8th, 2013
Hi everyone, I'm a new amateur to 365, I was playing around a little in PS the last couple days and just wanted to know what you all thought. If you'd like to check out my other photos and give me your opinions that would be great too.
April 8th, 2013
You can tag your photos 'critique-me' if you're looking for folk to critique :)
April 8th, 2013
Not feeling the heavy vignette at all. The light and composition is fine. Not sure where the focus is entirely though, has the image been cropped?
April 8th, 2013
Thanks for the tip! @amyamoeba
April 8th, 2013
@miley89 I have never really played with vignetting at all, that is why I wanted some critique, and thank you for yours! Do you think a lighter vingnette would have worked better or just none at all?
The focus is supposed to be on the shark tooth and I see what you are saying, it looks like the tip is sharp (as in focus, haha, no pun intended) but as you go down it is a little less sharp. Yes, I did do very minor cropping on this image, I don't think it was enough to mess with the focus though. Thanks again
April 8th, 2013
I would go for no vignette. When I first started out I did make the mistake of using them, which I later regretted and cringe at now.
April 8th, 2013
Thank you, Miley. @miley89
April 8th, 2013
I think it looks good. I'm not an expert by any means to am the wrong person to ask.
At the top of your page under "discuss" there is a "critique" category. You can post in that thread to be critiqued.
April 8th, 2013
I occasionally use a vignette, but you have to be *very* careful not to overdo it.

Remember that darker/lighter areas in an image will usually be a lot more apparent and 'obtrusive' (for want of a better word) when the image is viewed quite small than when it is viewed large. Typically when we edit a photograph, it is display full-screen (or pretty much so), but when we view it, especially on a site like this, it is much much smaller.

As a tip, when I'm applying a vignette, I will zoom the image out to be very small (approximately 4-5 inches across on my screen), and use that to determine how I want the vignette to appear. If you apply a vignette to a full-screen image, you might find it looks far too strong when you upload it here.
April 8th, 2013
I have to disagree, i think the vignette works great with this subject, you want to draw the audience to the tooth, and i think it does a great job. Plus the colours blend in together, i checked your other photos and you have made a great start!

Welcome to 365 and enjoy
April 9th, 2013
Thank you! @mittens
April 9th, 2013
Thanks for the advice. @abirkill
April 9th, 2013
@demmie I also thought it did a good job drawing the attention toward the tooth but I've never played with the vignetting before so I am glad to get everyone's opinions. So thank you very much for yours, it is really appreciated.
April 28th, 2013
I love the sepia feel, and the subject matter is interesting, but the vignetting could be a little less BAM. In other words, I love this shot!
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