weekly- themes

May 9th, 2013
hi folks, i have a problem with the weekly themes ! you put words up and not explains what they are? this week conceptual photos? never heard of them! no idea...

can we put meaning up too so they help, i maybe thick but i love to understand some of these themes..thanks
May 9th, 2013
There's a link on the blog article :)


Its basically trying to.convey a message through a photograph - hope that helps!
May 9th, 2013
If you click on the link on the lower right side saying "Weekly Theme - themename" then there's usually some more description there.
May 9th, 2013
In this week's theme, there is a URL in the paragraph below the picture that will take you to the page referenced above.
May 9th, 2013
Dont't worry Jim. You are not alone - I didn't have a clue what this week's theme was about either until I looked at the link
May 9th, 2013
Hello Jim, you just have to convey an idea or concept through your photo, just like @amyamoeba said. In a conceptual photo, the image is not an explicit example of the concept, but a general expression of the idea. Hope this helps :),I think you will be more clear about the theme if you just go through the link.
May 9th, 2013
Sadly I went through the link and decided it was beyond my kung fu. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with though.
May 9th, 2013
@justjim the last three have completely lost me in what exactly they meant and then what would Ross be looking for in deciding the top five. I vote for less obscure also. I also do not want to work so hard at going through links to just figure out what people mean.
May 9th, 2013
went through the links, and still no idea...haha , maybe to much to explain what the theme about..that ok i wait for one to come up that i may know! thanks folks
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