Critique my new work?

May 20th, 2013

Please and thanks. :3
May 20th, 2013
I took a quick look at your album and I see that you are 13 years old -- so nice that you are getting involved in learning about photography so young! I also noted that you tend to only have brief captions for your photos. I wonder if one thing you could do is to think about what you are trying to communicate, and how successfully you self-assess your level of accomplishing your goal. For example, on the cat photo (clever angle, btw) your caption said, "If you call Kitty, he will come" or something like that. Yet the cat is not facing in a direction as if he'd come toward the camera. So while that point you made is interesting, perhaps you could think about why you photographed the kitty in that particular angle. Why might this photo be interesting to your viewers?
May 21st, 2013
Hi Shelby. I think my favourites here are the first and last. The light is great in the first and I love your point of view in the last one. I think Junko's advice is really good. Think about what you want to communicate. So for me the weakest photo is the third because I'm not sure quite what drew you to that scene.
May 21st, 2013
Should have said as well good for you for asking for critique, I'm never brave enough!
May 21st, 2013
Welcome to the world of Photography... You are on the right path as you are asking for comments. This is by far the fastest way you can become good at photography.

I like photos that tell a story, which is why I like your last photo. It makes me think about what is going on. its a bit cheeky and sweet.

Here are some examples that I have taken.

May 21st, 2013
Hi Shelby. you asked us to tell you what we think, to be true full to you, you got a good heart to take photos like i did at your age! one thing i will say to you as i have learn since started in 365, 1. take your time 2. don't just shoot
3. think before you shoot, i.e. look around at your shot before taking it what is around the shot. 4. love it and think why are you taking it! 5. enjoy taking photos and have fun don't just shoot maybe better upside down or take it side what every you eye say do it! don't like it try again.

thanks for sharing hope this helps
May 21st, 2013
For a 13 year old I think your pictures are amazing. I particularly like the one of the cat - it's good to use an unusual pov. Well done.
May 26th, 2013
@all3y22 That's my best friend bitch. Don't you ever insult her again, she is beautiful, and amazing, and fun and you're a just a bitch.
May 26th, 2013
@all3y22 I might die because of you're stupid ass.
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