New to 365. Critiques Welcome.

October 22nd, 2010
I only have 7 (?) pictures but would like some ideas on what I'm doing wrong or doing right.

October 22nd, 2010
It's hard to do something wrong with a camera...other than dropping it !! We all have different taste !! I just went to your album......I will tell you the best part of your pics....every one of them tells a story !!! That's hard to do !! Nice shots !!!!
October 22nd, 2010
Thank you.
October 22nd, 2010
I have to agree with Pete. Wonderful shots. I really like the one of your son at the cemetery.
October 22nd, 2010
I notice that most of your shots do tell a story, as Pete mentioned. However, the story is very similar in each shot, "this is my..... and how I see it :)." What I mean by this is your camera angle is exactly as you see things when you're standing. Example: you looking down on your son, you looking up or down at a statue or your fav tree. I would love to see you take your camera to new heights (lol!) and lows to see what other kinds of stories can be told.

Please don't think I don't enjoy your photos as they are. I appreciate the fact that you are putting your art out into the world and it is a part of you, so thank you. I, too, am new to this project as well as photography all together. The advice to put your camera in unusual positions, angles, or places is something I highly value. I love seeing a child the way another child would see him or a pet the way another pet would see them. Good luck on your project!
October 22nd, 2010
Hi Amy, this is a reciprocal site; you should follow people and actively make comments. That way you'll get some in return!
October 22nd, 2010
Robin had a good bit of advice.....something I have a hard time remembering ! When you find a subject, look at it from all angles.....on top of it, lay on the ground and shoot up, walk all around the subject........things I should be remembering !!!!!
October 22nd, 2010
Yes! Different angles! I'm going to try that, thank you so much.
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