Also new to 365 and looking for critiques!!

October 22nd, 2010
Hey everyone! I just started my 365 project last week and am having so much fun so far.. Just from browsing pictures and checking out discussions in the past couple of days, I am just in awe of this online community! Everyone really seems to support and enjoy each other's work, it's awesome!! My goal is to improve my artistic eye and skills in general over the next year and was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas and critiques to give me a push in the right direction! Also, I am completely at a loss when it comes to editing.. I just received Photoshop as a gift but don't think I really know how to edit a photo effectively, so advice on that would also be welcomed!

Thank you!!! I'm so glad to now be a part of this site and the community that comes with it!
October 22nd, 2010
Hi Kara....I looked at your have a good eye for color and composure ! I like your shots ! Just get out there and take pics of all different subjects ! You'll do fine !! As far as Photoshop is concerned, it's difficult to learn ..IF you're new to editing programs ! If someone tells you it's an easy program to learn, they've been running those programs all their lives ! Most editing programs are difficult to grasp...the Help sections of those programs ASSume you've run the earlier versions ! The easiest way for me to learn was to get on YouTube and watch user submitted tutorials ! Just bear in mind....some of those users have no business being in front of a video camera....a lot of stuttering and general inaudible dribble ! Play with the'll learn it !!
October 22nd, 2010
@nyweb hmm i might just have to check out those videos! thanks for your response!!
October 22nd, 2010
Hi Kara- I looked through your album and think you have a good start so far. Just play with different angles and perspectives- it is amazing how different something looks from one spot to another! As far as editing goes I totally agree with Pete about the youtube videos, as well as just general google searching. My problem was being afraid to try something, but there is always the undo button :) just mess around- photoshop wil help you create great stuff once you get over your fear of using it. Also pick the brains of people here on 365- this is a community that is very generous with there time and knowledge! Gave you a follow- welcome to the 365 project!
October 22nd, 2010
@rebcastillo77 that's exactly how i feel! i'll have to play around with it more =) thanks for the follow!!!
October 22nd, 2010
October 23rd, 2010
Welcome to 365! Looks like you are off to a great start! I am taking classes and that helps me with composition and lighting. My teacher always tells us that the first rule of composition is to GET CLOSE! And he says it just like that LOL.

I think this project has helped me even more. I can definitely see some improvement since I began.

Most of all, have fun!
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