Need Inspiration

November 2nd, 2010
I am 21 days into 365project and would love some critique on my work. Really trying to make a go of photography. Lately, feeling uninspired. Would you follow me?
November 3rd, 2010
Ok....I'm following !! Everybody here gets uninspired now and then !! It looks like you live in paradise....and you can't find inspiration ???? Don't feel bad...I live close to Niagara Falls and I haven't been there in at least 10 years !! We all get to used to where we're at and take things for granted ! Start following people, look at their shots, and you'll get ideas !
November 3rd, 2010
@Pete. Thank you for your feedback. Yes, I am in paradise but also tied down with young keiki. It gets tough to get out and shoot something that I think is fantastic every day. Inspiration come to me.
November 3rd, 2010
@jillypop I'll follow you..i need the paradise to get me through the winter thats coming for me. :) I also have kids so i know how it goes. Try some of the theme challenges for inspiration.
November 3rd, 2010
I'll follow you. I'm new here and am struggling myself, but that's largely due to work and no time to go out with my camera.
November 3rd, 2010
I am now following you. Search around at others photos and make comments. You will then get some inspiration and probably attract more followers :D
November 3rd, 2010
Me, ill follow you, im not picky : ) !!
November 3rd, 2010
Take your camera everywhere with you. Then you don't need to make time for a photo, you'll just be able to take your camera out when something catches your eye/imagination. :-)
November 3rd, 2010
I'll be happy to follow you, Jill. When I first started with 365 I went for a month or more with no makes such a difference to interact with others. I agree with the suggestions made by others above...check the work of others, make comments, and don't leave home without your camera! Have fun!
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