I'm a newbie! Check out my photos? :)

November 5th, 2010
Hey, I'm on my 13th day of my 365 now and I have to say it' so enjoyable! I'm already feeling such a sense of achievement from this project and I especially love this site! You guys seem like a lovely community! :)

Anyway yeah, would you mind giving me any opinions/constructive criticism on my photos? I started 365 two days after I had my first SLR camera and I know some of them aren't the best quality and were more shots because of the occasion (birthdays/a gig etc.) but yeah, I'm trying my best.

Thank you :)
November 5th, 2010
Hi newbie....looks like you're figuring out the camera pretty quick !!
November 5th, 2010
Haha hiya Pete! :) Thanks! My cousin's into photography and she's been giving me advice, hopefully it's working :)
November 6th, 2010
Great start to your project. I just recently got a DSLR too, it so much fun i love it !
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