Newbie wanting feedback

November 24th, 2010
Hi There!

I'm fairly new here and would love a bit of feedback. I'm really enjoying this project, but have noticed that many people use photoshop and do a lot of post processing. My shots are mostly as is, maybe cropped a bit and sometimes automatically adjusted in Windows Live Photo Gallery. Am I missing something? Should I be doing more with them?

Photoshop just seems so time consuming and complicated. I just don't feel like I have that sort of time at the moment and I don't have any other "friends" who are doing this project with me, so I'm feeling a bit out of the loop. Thanks for any comments. I'm really interested in what people have to say...I see so many amazing shots!
November 24th, 2010
Try Picnik - It's basically free (well, it IS free, or @ $30 year to upgrade to "advanced") and exceedingly user friendly. I hardly processed either, except for some minor adjustments on a PhotoSuite program I've had forever, but since starting 365 have had a lot of fun trying out different things on Picnik . . . may start trying to "learn" Photoshop after the holidays! Good Luck!
November 24th, 2010
Hi Renata and welcome..
This is your project. and you can load any photo any way (cept if its not yours) lots of people here do SOOC . straight out of camera, and others use an edit program.. Up to you.. I have a balance of both....
Sometimes there is a lot of noise in a photo that will distract so it will be edited out. Sometimes a photo is as is. I wouldnt worry about whether or not other people are editing so much . If you dont like to edit, thats wonderful...
sometimes I wont edit cuz Im lazy, as you will see by the way I type.

November 24th, 2010
Thanks Lynn! Picnik looks cool. I'll try that out when i get the chance.

Thanks, Nikki. I don't really have time to edit, but what I was getting at is, would my photos benefit from some editing?

Thanks! Keep the feedback coming!
November 24th, 2010
Here is my 2 cents... Pros edit, but editting takes time and time is money... so use you camera to get the best images possible (there are tones of edits you can do in camera, set colours, ect) than you can do less editing later... unless you are after that HDR look... (but you can do that in camera too now)

If you ever want 'more' editor try GIMP... the basics like crop and colour balance are easy... and later when you want to merge layers, and liquify you will be familer with it... oh it is FREE...
November 24th, 2010
Hi Renata.This is your project to do with as you wish. How you want a photo to look is also entirely up to you. Some people use no editing, some use basic editing - cropping, adjust light, add signature and others edit their photos until they are almost unrecognisable. I personally like the less is best approach and do very little if any editing to my photos even if most of them could do with a lot of help!
November 24th, 2010
Thanks, Jordan and Kathy. I like less is best too and am feeling more comfortable with just posting as is.

Kathy, i was born in Sydney and lived there until age 5. Been in the States since then, but get back to see family very occasionally. Love to see shots from "home!"
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