A different sort of new..

November 24th, 2010
Hi guys!
I've had my 365 for a little more than a month or so now, but I've only recently begun using a Nikon D70. I've used it in the past, but I don't know how to REALLY use it. I've been using auto focus a lot, because I'm kinda terrible with manual focus. (The times I've used it, the pictures didn't turn out at ALL what they looked like on the display.) Any suggestions for a sort of newbie? Sites to help me understand photography a little better? I REALLY want to be able to take pictures like some of the ones I've seen on this site, but it's kind of hard without a lot of knowledge about cameras. :P ALSO- critiques of my pictures would be nice. :)

PS- the camera I was using before was a lousy point & shoot, nikon coolpix- it wasn't great, but I needed something temporary.
November 24th, 2010
Here is a link to a series of 7 videos on understanding exposure:


And here is one for learning to shoot in manual:


Hope these help :)
November 24th, 2010
@rebcastillo77 Thank you! I'm definitely going to check them out :D
November 24th, 2010
I use auto focus all the time. I wear contacts, so I know my vision isn't perfect, and so I just don't trust myself manually focusing (unless I'm trying to focus on something that my camera just won't focus on the way I want it to). I use a Nikon D90 (I LOVE Nikon, though their P&S are definitely not worth owning) and I would just suggesting trying shoot in manual (not necessarily manual focus) as much as possible. It's the best way to learn how to use your camera and what various exposures will produce. Eventually, you'll just know what a particular setting will produce and be able to set everything up much more quickly than you will be doing now. I'm still learning, so it definitely is a time consuming, but fun, process. I have found that trial and error has worked best for me, though when I'm trying to photography something specific, like fireworks, I found stuff online that would tell me where to set my aperture and shutter speeds, which can was really helpful. Photography blogs are always helpful too. I go to Digital Photography School and I'm on their email newsletter. It has examples and lots of information given without being overwhelming. www.wix.com/jdparker/jaime-parker-photography
November 24th, 2010
I dont know about your camera,but I use AF-M modes,wich is Auto-Focus,but you can also adjust it manually when the button is halfway pushed down.Manual focus is too slow for me,most of the time,but Auto annoys me because the depth of field turns out like crap,at times.

...oh,and you should definately check these out,if your new to DSLR,like me: http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/2009/11/tutorials.html
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