25 Days!!!!(:

November 25th, 2010
Hey guys.....
Its been 26 days (now) since I've started the project...and some critique please?
November 25th, 2010
HI Aisleen.
I dont know enough about the tech side of photography to critique in a way that is going to help you get better technically , but I do know you have a good eye, for different subjects and you take good photos. It's can be frustrating not to get critique, specially if that's one reason why you joined.
November 25th, 2010
@nikkers thanks...I joined because I love photography :D
but i agree.....critique can be frustrating sometimes D:
November 25th, 2010
hi Aisleen been to your page, and so far... its good.....
il give you a little advise.... follow more people.... interact with them as they will interact with you..... =) have fun in 365!
November 25th, 2010
@gavincci thanks!!! and i will :D
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