Critiques please - I have a lot to learn!

January 7th, 2011

I would love some feedback on my images on how or what I could have done better. (bad crops, boring subject matter, whatever - let me have it!) You all are very talented so your comments would be very much appreciated!

Thanks so much!

January 7th, 2011
i love the textures and tones of the leaves .... ♥
January 7th, 2011
I like the concept of the first one, but I think it needs a tighter crop - the frame of the hands should be nearer the edge of the frame of the image, because most of what I see here is the hands which is a bit distracting given your point of focus.

Not quite the same concept, but this one of Koshi's I think is more suitably framed:

The second one I think is fantastic. Great tones and such a mood to it. The only thing I'd pick on is where you placed the focal plane - it appears you focussed on the front letter, because your DOF extends back one letter (only just) but comes forward into what is really just space. If you'd focussed on the second letter back (V) it would have given you a DOF to include O and E. But it really needs a slight bit more DOF so you could include the four letters, but still keep everything else nicely defocussed.

The third is a lovely triptych, with beautiful lines and textures, and the varying shapes of each add lovely interest. The tight crops are excellent, as the detail enables the image to be much more interesting. The only thing I can find that distracts is not the photography, but the spacing of the images being so wide compared to the outside edges. The balance feels a bit wrong to me.
January 7th, 2011
Awesome coposition of the scrabble tiles. Most people would have take a picture of them lying down and not this way. Yours has a freshness to it and i like it.
January 7th, 2011
I like number two the best for the same reason as what Rachel said.
January 7th, 2011
What Jinx said on the first one. The second, personally, I would have arranged it with the L in front. That is probably just my OCD taking over though. I really love the idea and the focus is great! Third one is quite lovely!
January 8th, 2011
Wow, really great feedback, thanks everyone! (Jaydee Hir°yit° (gavincci), jinx, Rachel Hope Callison, bruni gehrmann, Render Me Mama)

@jinx - #1 - I really struggled with the crop on that one. I didn't want the focus to be dead center and the more I cropped the less his hands looked like hands. Maybe, I'll try darkening that area to pull some focus away. #2 - Hmmm, thanks for the tip! I might have to set up a retake to fix that. #3 Interesting, now that you point that out, I can see what you mean.

@Render Me Mama - if I do the reshoot, I just may try the L in front (:

Thanks again for taking the time to comment, so helpful!!!

January 9th, 2011
Hey everyone,

I decided to give it another try - completely different but what do you think?



January 9th, 2011
@jinximages , @rendermemama - i tried again with your suggestions in mind. if you have time, check it out (:
January 9th, 2011
@celly525 The DOF looks perfect on that one! Again with the lovely tones. I think your composition on the first one is more eyecatching (but that's just personal taste and I'm sure others will like the new one's comp better). :)
January 9th, 2011
Great job with the DOF on the 2nd. I too prefer the composition on the first. I would like the 2nd better had you taken it more straight on and not slightly above. I like the slight reflection in the first. But as stated that's more personal preference. Well done!
January 10th, 2011
@jinximages ~ thanks so much for taking the time to look at it!

@foursides ~ Thank for the comments!
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