Hello! Tell me what you think, please. :)

January 8th, 2011
I'm semi-new to 365 (I tried it a bit last year, but didn't get very far), and I decided to begin on January 1 so I could have an entire year. As such, I only have six pictures (I don't have a picture for today yet~), and I would love some suggestions on how to improve or even some other fun ideas of what to photograph!

Thank you for your help, 365ers! :)
January 8th, 2011
I just keep my eye open for things that I think would look great in a photo. Look for landscape, different colors, something that REALLY catches your eye, or use your imagination. For inspiration, I look to see what other people are photographing. I use 365, I use photography blogs I follow, photographers I know personally. The biggest thing...BE CREATIVE AND IMAGINATIVE!!!!
January 8th, 2011
@heatheryv I'm really into street photography, but I never seem to have a chance to actually get into it, be it for awkwardness of taking photos of people I don't know or just not having my camera. But lots of things on the street really catch my eye. How would I go about not having it be awkward for the people around me?
January 8th, 2011
If you're using a big enough camera, people will understand. Just act like it's no big deal and like it's something you do every day of your life, even if you do feel awkward!
January 8th, 2011
RE: street photography -- Shoot from the hip. Walk down a busy street and hammer away with a bunch of photos without looking through the viewfinder. You end up with some pretty cool stuff you wouldn't normally see and nobody knows you're even taking pictures. I recommend a wide angle lens (24mm or wider is fun) for this method as it allows you to pull in lots of stuff and crop later.
January 8th, 2011
@_nataliek_ Thanks for the advice! :)

@drongo3 That's sort of what I did for my New Orleans photo. :) I was snapping away like a tourist lol! Except I didn't end up keeping any of the people in the photograph... Thanks for the advice!
January 8th, 2011
I'm new to 365 too. Lindsey thanks for asking this question, I was wondering the same thing. I found this topic very helpful. Jeff, I definitely have to try shooting from the hip, that sounds cool. Great Advice everyone!!!
January 8th, 2011
What I have started doing is experimenting with different angles. Instead of doing something dead on, try shooting from the bottom up or from over the top of it. Go slightly to the left or right. I recently read up on the "rule of thirds" and have been trying to do that more. Just try out different photography "rules" to see if they work better for you.
Also, I found the daily shoot to be a nice way to give me an idea if I am lacking in ideas.
January 8th, 2011
@amorton1437 Yeah, I've read about the rule of thirds and I try to use it in my photos. Thanks for the link to the daily shoot! It looks like it'll be a real help. :)
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