Editing critique

January 8th, 2011

I've not posted before, and I hope I do this right. I'm excited about being a part of this community and learning from you all.

I'm looking to improve my editing skills with Aperture. I often just make a photo sepia or B&W as I find the editing so much easier that way, and it is more forgiving of any focus or exposure issues, but I'd love feedback on this colour edit overall.

Below is the original image followed by my edit. Any thoughts?


and the edit:

Here's what I did:
Cool off colour slightly
Recover highlights

But it sure does look better to me without the colour:

January 8th, 2011
I think the second on looks the best, although i would have cropped the right side just a tad bit more. You cropped off half of the striped shirt/hand, you should have cropped the striped shirt off completely. Thats just my opinion though. I think you did a good fixing the color though :) Its a really cute photo too.
January 8th, 2011
I agree that the second one is the best but I would have cropped both sides more - the left to get rid of the tea towel and the right to get rid of the striped shirt. My eye kept getting dragged to the whitish dot on the table so I would have cloned that out too. I like the colour and that sure is a cute kid.
January 8th, 2011
hmmm, cute photo by the way :))

firstly i would have cropped one side a bit more, like approx 1/5 to 1/4 ... and i would actually take it off the left hand side, in spite of the messy background to the right, the photo looks better with the other side taken off (oh but yes, take the person's arm out completely). the light is on the right hand side of the photo and if you remove this our eyes will be drawn to the darker side of her cute face, and won't look as eye catching, plus the bowl, spoon and her raised arm are on the right side, need to keep that. crop until she is on the far left of the photo. gosh didn't mean that to sound so complicated lol.

i like your colour edit, i don't like the b&w in this sorry, it seems a bit flat, maybe you could work with the highlights etc a bit more to lift it.

hope this helps :)))
January 8th, 2011
I also like the color. It's very bold and eye catching. very cheerful.
January 9th, 2011
I think the above comments on the cropping is great and I agree. Some honest encouragement would be that I really like this shot in color. I think you did a great job and I agree with Kim...it's cheerful and sweet!
January 9th, 2011
I prefer the color as well and agree with the crop suggestions. The background is very distracting. I would have brightened his eyes to make them sparkle a little. Overall good job!
January 9th, 2011
I think you did great (although, I'm new as well) just wanted to add that I think some people are more drawn to black & white photography, that could be you! I know for me, sometimes if I turn a photo black & white, I have a hard time then liking it in color. And I'm a color girl. so most of the time I don't turn it black & white "just to see" what it looks like. then it's harder to go back. If you have a photo you know you want to keep color, just don't look!
January 10th, 2011
Wow, thanks for all the brilliant feedback!

I think it's really interesting how many people prefer the colour shot. And I take the point about the crop--it would be a better image with a tighter crop. I'm a bit of an aspect ratio purist though, so cropping the sides for me would mean losing top and/or bottom as well and I didn't want that. And yes, the spot on the table is distracting, easily removed; and her eyes could be brightened a bit.

Thanks all!!

January 13th, 2011
@penfish - regarding the aspect ratio purity - try a square cropping on this photo. I think it would work.
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