Tell me what you see?

January 9th, 2011
I'm 9 days into learning about photography and my camera, a Nikon D80 and I'm using a AF-S Nikkor 18-300mm 1:3.5-5.6G lens on the photos I've taken thus far. I was interested in getting some feedback/critique on the shots I've taken...including some resources that might help me take the next steps.
January 10th, 2011
Good start! I also shoot with a Nikon D80 and we have bonded through the years. Keep your eyes open to the possibilities and have your camera close to capture them. Then of course, have fun while doing so!
January 10th, 2011
@luckygirl @kalexa

Yay some fellow D80'iers!! Welcome aboard.

Marianne, some great shots so far. just try for a variety of shots from closeup to scenic.
Best piece of advice I have had so far is take lots and lots of photos. work out which ones you really like and why, then go into the info and copy those settings to then play with in the future.
But most of all, have fun doing it.

Kirstin, Which part of BC, we have relatives in Prince George and Kootenay Bay. Hope to see some BC shots.
January 10th, 2011
I love your shots so far! I especially like the total variety of subjects that you have chosen to photograph. Keep it up, the only advice I have would be keep experimenting with all kinds of subjects and mediums, and have lots of fun :)
January 10th, 2011
I am ten days into the 365 project. My story is much like yours. I have a list of things I want to explore and do. When I retired a few years ago, I promised myself I would explore arts and crafts. I bought my Olympus camera in December, 2010 and started exploring the realm of photography. A friend of mine tells me to 1. take lots of pictures, 2. look for photo opportunities throughout the day and everywhere I go, and 3. look at things from another perspective. I started a series of photography tutorials. So far, I have learned about diagonal lines and the rule of three. If you are interested, I can send you the URL address for this tutorial site. The 365 project is great in so many ways. I am trying to take pictures of a variety of subjects. I am trying to take pictures for the weekly themes, as I find this makes me step out of the box with my photography.
January 10th, 2011
I like your variety of subjects. I especially like the pic of the sparkly lights in the village. It gave me a feeling of peace. I like how you are telling a story with each photo. My advice is to keep experimenting with this and to try to invoke a feeling in the viewers. Have fun!
January 10th, 2011
Thank you all so very much for all your encouragment and suggestions! This was exactly what I needed to push me forward...for all of you who chose to "follow" me, I am overwhelmed, thank you so much!
January 10th, 2011
@vaderkip, great advice! I will try to capture some new subjects. I must admit I am drawn to a shallow depth of field and creating "moments" so I'd like to expand my comfort level!
@Kathryn, I'd love the link to the tutorials! Thank you so much!
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