I want an honest opinion on my photos.

January 10th, 2011
Uh yea..I wanna know if my photos are any good?XD
January 10th, 2011
January 10th, 2011
Your photos are amazing, It's alot better than what i can produce, what camera are you using?

Keep up the great work!

January 10th, 2011
Amazing! Unbelieavable! Stunning! Out-of-this-world! Perfection! Uber-cool! Masterpiece! ....super-duper-...flooper!
January 10th, 2011
lol @spaceman
January 10th, 2011
There are 3 things that go into it. Exposure, composition, and message. You seem to have the message down pretty well, but could use some more work on exposure and composition (I could too). Mastering these 2 aspects will help you to better portray your message. I would focus first and foremost on exposure.
January 10th, 2011

this is a good read... at least makes you understand the rules of composition the easiest way.... but photography doesn't have any boundaries.. it's just that, i kinda agree with @alecio and @musicguy1982 you got the message down right, it's just that the photo is not that pleasing to the eyes... and it's sorta flat.... u gotta need to have something to pop up on your photos... one thing more, if u would wanna layout photos.. ermmmm what can i say about that... uhmnnn just... i dunno...

There are lots of people here on 365 that are better than pro's... u can get ideas from them and figure out how'd they do that and step it up..... KEEP SHOOTING!!!! PRACTICE AND SHOOTING ARE BETTER TAHN READING TUTORIALS!!! ^___^
January 10th, 2011
@alecio @musicguy1982 @maceugenio
I just did not have the balls to say what you guys said :)
January 10th, 2011
Hi Selena. It looks like you've received some good advice here. You're not terrible, but it does look like you need to learn some basics. When I look at your photos, I can see kind of your own style starting to develop. That's good!

If you seriously want to learn about photography, then take time to read about it, look at other photographers' work, and practice, practice, practice (like Mac said). You're on the right website for starting out! Don't be discouraged if something doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to - learn from it and try again.

And ignore Martin. He apparently has no tact.
January 10th, 2011
I agree with Loni. You are not awful, and I see a style of your own as well!

I'm not a great photographer by any means, but I know that I have learned a ton from sites like this one and from fellow photog friends. Keep asking questions and reading up on techniques. I found that really taking the time to learn my camera has helped a bunch. I still have leaps to go, but it helps to know the basics.

Good luck!
January 10th, 2011
While you seem to have the "What am I trying to say with this picture" part down, the composition is kind of on the weak side. Look for leading lines, vanishing points, strong contrasts and that sort of thing. Be mindful of the rule of thirds and other such whatnots.

But I want to develop my own style, I hear you say. Fine - but you have to learn the basics of composition first before you can break the rules. Once you fine tune your mastery of the basics, Once you know WHY you compose like that, then you can go hog wild breaking the rules.
January 10th, 2011
i totally think you are on the right track. there are a few photos in particular that have good style, in my opinion:

the foreground in this is well done, i like how you have framed this:

i find this one really interesting! a great idea!

and this one could have been really good if you had the focus right. the background is lovely:

really, if you just keep up the practice and work on technique, you will get better and better. don't get bogged down thinking about what you can't do, or what equipment you don't have; just learn more, and work with what you have. :)
January 10th, 2011
the best advice i can give is to just keep shooting. take pictures of everything. i always have my camera out and am constantly taking pictures of things. for every good picture i take, there are several crappy ones, too.

i agree with whats been said...your message is there, its just the composition and exposure that need some work. you've been given great advice. follow that, and dont give up. everyone has to start somewhere!
January 10th, 2011
@nonebutim Im using a samsung SL202. Not the best camera, @alecio lmao. :P
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