Critique to learn right?

January 11th, 2011
I would love to hear what people have to say about my work. I am doing this to challenge myself and learn.
January 11th, 2011
@mkraemer Melissa, I think your photos are beautiful. My favorite is the smell the roses shot. I always try to figure out what object to have stand out, but I never have any luck. Keep up the great work :)
January 11th, 2011
your pictures are beautiful, and have very nice lighting and tone. Some of them could do with a bit more contrast to really give the pictures an edge but other than that you are doing really well :)
January 12th, 2011

This one is really nice. The lines from the chain lead read to the subject, and it works really well.

This one just doesn't quite do it for me. I can see what you're going for, but there's no real spot in the image that your eyes (well, my eyes anyway) are drawn to. I think this one would look a lot better if you positioned yourself closer to the train, and let it take the entire right edge of the photo. That way it would follow those leading lines from the corners. And also, the horizon in the center of the frame is fairly weak too. You should try to position the horizon along one of the third lines.

The two water pictures, I think have the same issue, in that there is not really a strong spot on the picture. I do like the sailboat picture, but I think it would be stronger if it were not centered.

This one's pretty good.
January 14th, 2011
On the pickup picture, I really think the picture is in the picture I love it, but think the potential for more is just a crop away. Also on some of your other pictures you might watch the exposer. But you have a great eye and everything else will catch up with practice.
January 14th, 2011
@purdy you think cropping in even tighter?
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