Definitely lacking variety.... ):

January 11th, 2011
Its only day 10 and figuring out what to shoot is becoming very challenging. I leave very early in the morning and get back from work at night. All my images are looking the same....booooooo . I guess that is the point of this site. Does anyone have the same challenges?
January 11th, 2011
Your album does not give the same feeling of similarity among the photos which you have uploaded contrary to what you feel. I think the whole point of 365 is trying to come out of the comfort zone. Its about seeing the same thing from a different point of view. I just make it a point to learn something new everyday and come in a close relationship with my camera and how to optimise it's use.
The life is full of variety, we just need to see it.
January 11th, 2011
Can you take pictures outside at night? It might be more challenging, but point a flashlight or other light source at something outside and take a photo of it. I've never done it, though it sounds like a cool idea I will have to try.

Do you get a lunch or other break you can go outside for a few minutes and take a daytime photo? Eat your lunch quick! Even take a quick photo out the window when no one is looking. ;-)

If you feel like you're lacking variety, you may be too narrow/specific in your criteria. Don't judge, just snap away! Something boring will get your interest.
January 11th, 2011
Try some light shots - here is a link to a recent discussion
January 11th, 2011
I know what you mean,about feeling too uninspired or not having time to experiment with taking shots.And I think it happens everyone.
But you just need to change your mentality a bit.This isn`t a competition.You just do your best,photograph what you can. Just one photo a day. Even if it`s just a photo of...your thumb.Or dog.Or TV.And when you have more time,you can try more things.Like in the weekends or something.
The thing is,your photos are not bad at ALL and it`s really obvious you`re making an effort. I see people here who only have out-of-focus boring photos all the time,who don`t stress about it. And you`re not one of them.
It would be a shame to stress out about the project and quit. I rather see you have one great photo per week,in your album,then no photos at all.
January 11th, 2011
@spaceman spot on!!! Totally agree!!
January 11th, 2011
I often have the same problem with long days at work. If I find myself looking at the same subject time and time again I just try to mix it up a bit...sit the camera on the floor for the shot, maybe change the exposure setting, maybe spin 180 degrees from what you were looking at, look up, look down...never be afraid to experiment :)
January 11th, 2011
Your pictures don't show this at all, but I know what you mean. Same thing happens to us all. I've learned to take anything around me and turn it into a photo. And I love that I've learned to do that. Makes me appreciate things a lot more. You'll be fine. :)
January 11th, 2011
@soumyojit2020 ~ thanks so much for your comments. A hard day at work intensified my frustration of feeling so limited. One of my New Years resolution's was to take myself out of my comfort zone. So your message (& everyone who responded) spoke to me loud and clear! Thanks for the reminder!
January 11th, 2011
@jeancarl ~ the flashlight idea is a must try! thanks for the suggestion & for all your comments!
January 11th, 2011
@jo365 ~ this is very cool, thanks for the idea! (;
January 11th, 2011
@spaceman @jo365 ~ I'm very open minded, easy going and a very laid back person but when it comes to anything I do...I'm my absolute worst critic. I can beat myself up for days. I've been trying to change that and just take in what I've done and learn from it and move on. Thanks for the great reminder!! I need to stop stressing and enjoy my creative ride! (;
January 11th, 2011
@craigdtull ~ Craig I thought I was following you already. I had run into your page a few days ago and your profile made me laugh :D Your captions and photos really keep me engaged! Thanks for your comments!
January 11th, 2011
@itszaiii ~ I hoping to learn that too! Thanks!!
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