Memory card??

January 15th, 2011
I have a Canon Rebel T1i- I tried to figure out what's the best type of memory card to get ( for a reasonable price) but I'm not having much luck. Can you guys help me? I'm looking probably for either an 8GB or a 16GB. But what brand and what class/kind? There are so many out there I'm getting confused :)
January 15th, 2011
I always use SanDisk and they have great deals on them at RadioShack and Best Buy.
January 15th, 2011
@amyhughes I love SanDisk products- did you just purchase a normal kind, cause I see there are like "Ultra" memory cards too
January 15th, 2011
I have both kinds. The Ultra work well if I am using the video feature of my camera. And at weddings when I have to shoot quickly like during the ceremony and trying to get multiple kiss shots. They just have faster processing speeds.
But I mainly use the other ones when I take any other kind of photo. Those are the only two situations when I look for those specific cards.
January 15th, 2011
@amyhughes ok thank you so much Amy!
January 15th, 2011
@emhoff :)) No prob!! Happy I knew the answer to this one!! haha
January 15th, 2011
Last summer when I was on a 2 week vacation and was taking hundreds and hundreds of shots a day I wanted multiple memory cards so that I wouldn't have to delete any before going home and downloading them directly to my own external drive . . . since they were vacay shots I bought some of the cheaper Walgreen's brand memory cards and noticed no reduction in quality from the more expensive brands . . . I'm not a professional, though . . .
January 15th, 2011
I was looking the other day on Amazon and found I could get two 4GB cards for less than the cost of one 8GB card. Might be worth checking cos would mean you'd have less to lose if a card ever got lost. Hopefully it would never happen, but better to be safe.
January 15th, 2011
I use SanDisk... I have one Ultra, which is my main, and a normal one for backup.

A word to the wise... avoid Ebay/other sites that sell Chinese crap/counterfeits. There's a lot of counterfeit name brand memory cards, and while they might work alright, I've personally had experience with some corrupting images (an issue I never had with name brand ones).
January 15th, 2011
It's worth the money to buy the Ultra II to Extreme SD cards. They have much faster processing speed. I don't know if you would realize this with the Rebel, but my D90 definitely saves the image more slowly with the other cards. This was more noticable on rapid or sequence shots. Occassionally with more detailed shot requirig more MB or after a 5-7 shot burst, the camera would lag. My D90 really seems to like the 30mb/sec write speed over the slower 15mb/sec.

As far as volume, I subscribe to Murphy's law. I prefer to carry two 4Gb rather than one 8 (although, I do have one 8). I'd rather have some images on both rather than all on one, in the event that something was to happen to the card. I purchased an 8 after the last wedding I shot, because I burned through a 4 really really quick. Which was silly, because a 4Gb shooting jpeg format (fine) holds roughly 534 imags. And yes, I realize that I just wrote silly.
January 15th, 2011
Oneach card there is a small number in a circle. This is how fast your card is. Portrait photographers can get away with a 4 but wildlife or sports photographers need a 8 or a 10. Get the fastest you can. On the size of a card it is better to think as if you have film. Swap out cards. Go with a 2 or 4 gig card. We used to change film every 36 shots so we haven't become that lazy have we? The up side of a smaller card is that if one fails or gets misplaced, dropped in water, ot whaterver life throws at it - all is not lost. You have not lost all your vacation photos. I swap out my cards every morning on vacation so that I will still have photos if one goes missing. Same idea if you are shooting a wedding better to have some than none.
January 16th, 2011
Sounds good- I think I now know what to get. Thank you ALL! :)
January 16th, 2011
I have used Lexar Professional - it came with the camera - I recently 'lost' it (it went through the wash) so had to repurchase and have gone for a 4g Sandisk Extreme III and 8gb Lexar Professional ...

Just make sure your camera's firmware can use the card you're going to buy
January 16th, 2011
I have the same camera as you and have a 4G SDHC card. I can't remember the brand right now (Kodak. I checked) but I do know it holds like 3 or 400 pictures depending on the mode. WAY more than I will ever fill up before I empty my card off. I've never had an issue with slow saves or anything either.
January 16th, 2011
btw - the washed lexar still works ... looks like gc is going to inherit a mem card too ..
January 16th, 2011
@misschuff whoa went through the wash and still works- now that's impressive!
January 16th, 2011
@emhoff it is a front loader so that makes a difference ... usb's have gone through and still work too ... although the front loader eats paper ... go figure!
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