What could I do differently?

January 16th, 2011
So I took this shot for the theme this week. http://365project.org/amorton1437/365

it is based on Across the Universe. I dont really know why, but something about it bothers me. Maybe it is my husband being kind of cut off...

January 16th, 2011
The link doesn't appear to work for me... So just click on my name, it's the pic of the strawberries :)
January 16th, 2011
This is awesome! I see what you mean, though. In the original, the focus is on him, not the strawberries. I think it is also that your husband is cut off. Can you reshoot it? (hope those strawberries are still hanging. I actually like the focus on the strawberries but maybe it is too much of him cut off.
January 16th, 2011
@eringoodman See and I wanted the focus to be more on the strawberries and less on my hubby since he looks exactly NOTHING like the actor and honestly he is terrible actor lol. I tell him to look sad and he pouts like a 2 year old ha.
January 16th, 2011
Agree with Erin. The lighting is a little different also. The movie shot has a dark feeling to it, and the textures in the wall behind the actor add to the feel.
January 16th, 2011
@eringoodman And we can reshoot it, the berries aren't still there, but we can redo those. Not that hard.
January 16th, 2011
OK, I've looked at this for a while to try and figure out why it feels off. I think your focus is in the wrong place. With the focus on the first set of strawberries our eyes are drawn there, but with your hubby prominent in the background our eyes are also drawn there, so there's this conflict between where we want to look and our eyes are forever flicking between the two sides of the photo. If you shift your focus down a bit so you're focusing on the front of the second set of strawberries and maybe increase the depth of field slightly I think it will help give the image a better coherency. Also, if you can make the area around your hubby darker that may help as well. I think the crop is fine. Well that's my two cents. Hopefully I've been helpful. :-)
January 16th, 2011
@fillingtime I am thinking this has more to do with it too. I have a few where the focus is in different places, but this one was the only one with a sharp focal point. I may retry in the near future.
January 16th, 2011
Ok, all these people are saying stuff about the focus, but I think it's perfect where it is. Sure, it's not exactly like the movie, but if people have seen the movie they'll know what it's from. Maybe if your husband was in it a little more it might look better, but if you hadn't said anything about that then I would have just thought the picture was perfect the way it was..
January 16th, 2011
@sarahbear9995 Well thanks :) I appreciate the compliment.
January 16th, 2011
I agree with Wolfe. I think the picture is perfectly nice but if you're trying to go with the feeling of this scene in the movie then it definitely needs to be darker.
January 16th, 2011
Maybe the lighting?? Yours seems to be slightly brighter than the original.... your husband having a white shirt on adds to that brightness a bit too. Try an overall lighting approach that is more "dingy" maybe?? Good luck! I love all your shots so I'm sure you'll get this exactly the way you see it in your head!! =)
January 16th, 2011
@bethanyjay THAT is my issue. His shirt is so darn bright, and i intended to keep him as a static characted in the shot and the white just brings my eye right to him. Now to fix the bright lighting. Thanks yall!
January 16th, 2011
@fillingtime hit the nail on the head.
January 16th, 2011
Flip the picture, in school we are taught to look at the first quadrant and then go counter-clockwise. So if you start with your husband (out of focus) on the right our eyes will be drawn to the in- focus strawberries on the left.
January 16th, 2011
@amorton1437 It might be the framing of him by the strawberries - if where he was leaning was closer to the top row or centred between the two it might look more natural, not sure though, it's a great shot nonetheless, just a tiny bit off.
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