HDR Help

January 17th, 2011
I am as beginner as you get when it comes the the HDR photography. I took a bunch of pictures the other day and used photomatix pro to turn them into HDR. Here is the link to the ones that I think turned out good. I want to know if Im heading in the right direction, what I can do to them to make them better (I don't know what all the adjustments do in the program) and which one you think is best. Any and all help is appreciated.

Link to album.
January 17th, 2011
hi christina, i don't seem to be able to use your link!
January 17th, 2011
worked for me... well they don't look HDR to me... so that is a +1. They are not the best canidates for HDR as I don't think there is massive range, only lower light. Try the front of Ceasar's Place around sunset. That way the deep shadows and the bright sky will give you a huge range...

Nice photos btw
January 17th, 2011
@sparkle I think I fixed the link now.
January 17th, 2011
@christabug you didn't overdo it which is already a very good starting point. IMO every tone-mapped image that comes out of Photomatix needs additional treatment as they usually come out rather flat. I usually add contrast using an s-curve and add some clarity to enhance the structure.
January 17th, 2011
yes, i;m in now! It really depends on what effect you're looking for...I've used the process to tone map which accentuates the highs and lows but doesn't go over the top http://365project.org/sparkle/365/2011-01-11 or used full grunge and high tone differences to create a more wild effect like http://365project.org/sparkle/alternative-365/2011-01-08 I'm still learning too, and have only just started but i'm finding it works best as @icywarm says where there is high contrast in the shot to start with. some nice shots there, particularly liked #1
January 17th, 2011
are you using 3 pictures of each photo? you need 3 different expossures (+1, 0, and -1) then open all 3 in photomatix. Your photo will really pop when you do this.

I did this one for a friend in Texas.
January 17th, 2011
@meshinka I used 3 different exposures +2 0 and -2. In photomatix all I did was chose a preset I thought looked the best for the picture because I don't know what all the adjustments do.
January 17th, 2011
you really jsut need to play around with it. For me, every photo is different and the settings are never the same. The big part is the light mode, set it to medium and adjust the strength, then see what it looks like in low mode and high mode.
January 25th, 2011
there's a great article in dps on hdr which includes the use of photomatix: http://www.digital-photography-school.com/setting-up-your-digital-camera-for-hdr-shooting
January 27th, 2011
Check this guy out, he has a pretty awesome tutorial up for HDR http://www.stuckincustoms.com/hdr-tutorial

By far one of my favorite photographers out there. Good HDR is very tricky and actually takes a decent amount of Photoshop work after Photomatrix to get right
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