Please check out our Short Films & Give us your Feedback

January 20th, 2011
Hi 365ers ~

My Husband & I have taken on a new endeavor that we would really appreciate your feedback on:

We will be posting a film every single week (on Sundays) for the entire year. The Genre, Theme, & Random Element will be randomly chosen by our actors from week to week to challenge us to come up with new and different things each week. This is our version of sending my Husband to film school, so any feedback would be wildly appreciated!

If you have an account with youtube, please subscribe to our channel & comment on our films. If you do not have a youtube account, I will be posting our films on Sundays, so view them on here and comment with your thoughts and impressions.

Thank you so much!

Best Always ~ Christine & Sean : )
January 20th, 2011
I just watched the first one and it was brilliant. The music fitted perfectly and I'm sat here practically in tears. It's honestly a great little film. My only criticism is that the camera shake in the beginning when they were walking was a little distracting. Also perhaps the girl's reaction to the proposal was a bit unrealistic - I'd have pictured her going to his level and kissing him. Other than those nit-picky bits though, it was amazing. :-D
January 20th, 2011
Heart and soles was AWESOME. I will definitely follow this and check your new ones out.
January 20th, 2011
I really liked Heart and Soles too. My only criticism, like Rachael, was the camera shake in the beginning. Well done.
January 21st, 2011
@wormentude @ravenwolf423 @kjarn ~ Thanks so much ladies! We appreciate all of your feedback. Hope you stay tuned for our upcoming work - coming out Sunday!
January 25th, 2011
Week 3 is now posted - check out my upload from 1/23/11 to watch. Please feel free to give us your feedback. Thanks guys!

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