Who feels like giving constructive criticism or opinion on these works :)

January 25th, 2011

much appreciated :)
January 25th, 2011
I love the colors you decided to process them with. Not much for me to say with the exception of the blown highlights on the hand in the first picture. But at the same time I think it adds to the dimension of the picture.

The second one is clear and crisp, it is just a little boring to be honest. What is the subject? The fence? The web? the little critter that I can barely see? Again, fundamentally it is good, I just think it lacks a clear subject.

On the third one I don't really like the unfocused weed in the front. To me it is a bit distracting. I would have just stepped to the side to get it out of the frame and increased the DOF a little to get the weeds in better focus but still keep the background out of focus.

Don't get me wrong, I think they are all great. At a quick glance I thought nothing of it, but since you asked for a critique I really looked them up and down (not that I am a professional or anything, I am just going by my opinion).
January 25th, 2011
It could be my screen but the palm of the hand and the ipod look very 'grey' and underexposed... well not VERY... but 1/3 to 1/2 stop...
January 25th, 2011
OK, I'm not a good photographer at all, but I can just give you my opignon on these works if it may helps you. And dont take it wrong :)

1) I really like the focus on the hand and how the forest besides her is shining, we can really just feel the sun going through the trees and that's amazing. But want I don't like is the flower. It breaks all the photo I think, and i would choose a diferent object, i dont know what, but not this flower

2) Dont find anything special on that photo.

3) I love it! Seriously i like the way you modified the colors, It looks so peaceful and calm. it makes me think of summer!

4)Dont really see the point of the photo. Why photographing an ipod in the forest? @stoksy
January 25th, 2011
In my amateur opinion, all are good shots. Possible hints on how to improve your shots: 1. I like how the backlighting made the flower translucent. The background slightly distracts from the flower. If you retake the photo, could you focus more on the flower/hand and fade out the background. If you run this shot through photoshop, perhaps you could do it there (do not know how though). I do like the light in the background. Try to keep it in. 2. On first glance, I would say that the light "sparkles" distract. On second look, I like how the spider is framed by one of the light sparkles. I would zoom in on the spider myself or back up and get more of the spider web. (both are options and could be explored). 3. I don't like the unfocused plant stalk in the front. I would try another angle or try to focus in on that stalk. I am not good at taking pictures of grass yet either. Perhaps simplifying grass shots down to one or a few stalks is the answer. Not sure. Perhaps putting more blue sky between the stalks??? 4. At first, I was not certain what the subject was: the landscape scene or the electronic device (camera? phone?). Then, I thought this might be a camera and the scene you wanted to record on the camera. If so, you could try angling the camera at about a 45 degree angle on the bench to show that the camera is taking a picture of the scene. I think this would work. I have never tried this before. I am attempting to improve my own photos, so I gave you my amateurish advice on how I would improve the photos. It will be interesting to see what more experienced photographers say. Keep up the good work and experimentation. I feel that you are on the right track.
January 25th, 2011
I like the color processing that you have done on all the shots as it gives a consistant look across all pictures.

1. Like it the only thing I would change is the flower by using a different color that makes it more contrast with the hand and background, at the moment it blends and is a little lost, picky note would have tipped the hand a little morte forward to lose a little shadow in the palm.

2.The Bokeh effect is good but the subject is not exciting, if I had to do this I would have not had the spider central, maybe placed it off center.

3. Have to agree with @daisy on this one, the out of focus plant is distracting in the middle of the frame, maybe if it was to the right and higher in the image you could use it to frame the picture, also the dark top right hand corner is distracting.

4. Is unual, the composition is great as well as the DoF, not sure what the iPod signfies in this, so technically the image is great but the message is missing or elusive.

Hope this helps
January 25th, 2011
I love the gentleness of them all, but I kind of feel like the iPod one doesn't belong in the same set as the other 3. I think for me it's because it's a man made product, and the fact that its silver.

I like that number one's background is stipulated, it makes it more interesting than just the average background.

I like the bokeh effect, it works well and I think highlights the spiders web, and the spider isn't the subject itself. I really like this.

I didn't notice that there was a blurry piece of the plant in the way at first, and I know my photography mentor would say that you should have worked to get that more in focus, but it's a compromise. so unless you wish for it to be different just work on what you like.

I feel like I've been mostly positive.
I hope I was still helpful.
January 25th, 2011
just remember you asked & I am a nobody!!!
1) kinda leaves me blah?
2) I think this is awesome, I love everything about it, especially the little leaf stuck in the web.
3) I adore the way this "feels" soft, it is lovely.
4) I really like the contrast between Nature and technology, how you show that they play well together...

I'm just sayin'.
January 25th, 2011
I agree with monica.... The first one I would have tried not to use the hand in the photo... if that hand was to be part of it I would have tried a different color flower to have more of a contrast
January 25th, 2011
lovely bokeh's! of photo 1 and 2 ♥
January 26th, 2011
1 would have changed the color of the flower, you could have created a spot to draw the eye, as is your eyes are drawn to the background first.
2 Love it great photo
3 Would love it but the flower in front being out of focus just holds it back
4 A very good photo, I just don't get it, doesn't make it bad just doesn't work for me
But your on right track and with a few changes they will be photos people will be talking about
January 26th, 2011
If you would like I would Photoshop your first photo so you could have an idea of what i am talking about.
January 26th, 2011
All four photos are awesome...PERIOD !!!
January 27th, 2011
I think you were focusing on backlighting. On the first one I would have moved the hand more into the light to avoid the heavy shadowing. The second one you got it perfectly - great bokeh and back light. Love the third one - the light, texture and color. The fourth one has good backlight but not on the focus of the picture - your phone.

I love playing with backlight and the effect you can get. It takes practice and I often miss it but when you get it - wow! I love sun flares too :-)
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