Just out of interest

February 24th, 2011
I took this photo today and there is something about it that i really love.

but i can't put my finger on it. I didn't edit it - i only cropped it down. JKust out of interest (and for me for future reference!) would you have changed anything on here?
February 24th, 2011
it's probably the depth of the wall you like, as well as the expression on her face. it's a nice shot - perhaps i'd rotate it slightly so the wall is perfectly horizontal in the background.
February 24th, 2011
I agree with Vikdaddy about the rotation - I always have to adjust that or it irks me. Otherwise I think it's cute :) I quite like the way she's crossed her legs.
February 24th, 2011
IMHO I would have squatted/kneeled down just a touch to her eye level, maybe a few inches is all. Then you have to think about the background be wary of trees coming out of her head! I like that you captured the rock pattern and the zigzag of the wall. I agree with @indiannie_jones @vikdaddy about the rotation too.
February 24th, 2011
thankyou all - i meant to say there was something about the picture that was nor right and i couldn't put my finger on - am soo tired and ready for bed lol! I will try the rotation :-) cheers
February 24th, 2011
@all71s omg i i can't beleive i didn't notice before that she has a metal pole sticking out of her head! I need to recrop that so it sout! I see what you mean about the squatting just a bit more i wish i had now. When i took this photo my other son was trying to lean in on it so i was avoiding him being in the frame lol and i had builders behind me LOL!
February 24th, 2011
Hi Kate, I can see why you like this so much. You have captured a particular expression and she also is brightly dressed and I like the crossed legs etc. As you ask, I agree with everything above, but I would have cropped it in a bit to avoid the trees and taken her more to the side of the pic, not centre. Just so you can see how it looks I've done this in Picasa and will delete as soon as you have seen it: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/0X3IpWY6Qvu82whyHiWIwk8jt4b3B2E566tYJwcEqXY?feat=directlink
February 24th, 2011
@miranda - thankyou:-) i just viewed it and i agree it looks better!
February 24th, 2011
@cariadon we always have to be wary of the crazy bystanders on our shoots. I ruined many rolls of film for my famiy by making crazy faces, moving, leaning in on the other kids shots! I think with all of that going on you did a great job.

You might be able to edit that post out w/ your preferred editing program. It is connected to the tree so you may just be able to clone stamp, color match, whichever option you want to call it and blend that post into the tree. Then you don't have to crop if you don't want to.
February 24th, 2011
I really like Marinade's crop,.. I would also do that (that was the first thing I noticed) as well as making everything level. I also think this would look fabulous in B&W
February 24th, 2011
I love the expression on Her face, All I'd probably do or should I say try to do as Im not a great editer would be remove the pole.
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