feedback? :)

March 29th, 2010
i really love photography and i would love to pursue it in the future. but do you think i need a degree to do so? cuz i don't have art A Level, so that doesn't make me look as good on a uni application.
basically, i'd like to know what you think of my stuff and any tips you have.
it would be greatly appreciated! :)

March 29th, 2010
Well......honestly I don't know much about pursuing photography lol I mean I love it...and am considering it. But I'm only a Junior in High School and don't have the experience to tell you if you need a degree or not. I don't think you do though, because you could basically start your own business....and be your own boss! You don't need a degree to sell your own pictures.
March 29th, 2010
I think the best thing you could do to begin with would be to create a website. You could easily give this to people and it would be an easy way to view your photos. Also, if you want to do photography at uni, you could try taking along a portfolio, although some kind of art (GCSE or AS/A2 graphics/fine art) could be useful.
March 29th, 2010
I can't think of any art program that wouldn't make a portfolio mandatory or suggested. Grades don't matter much to undergrad art departments - the portfolio is everything. Build that,and if you're good enough, then go for it.
March 29th, 2010
benn thinking about this myself latly my biggest thing is i use my digital and no my 35mm. my 35mm is now gathering dust in its case upstairs but my digital is by me at all times but i never print my pics anymore i think i could do this profetionally most people like my pics but i dont know how or where to get started with out taking classes to learn everything else and he college in my area dropped all photo classes i could go to the next city over but with two little girls and no vehical this becomes hard to do.
March 30th, 2010
Yeah - if you have a decent portfolio, I don't think the lack of art A-Levels will be too much of a hindrance...
March 30th, 2010
thanks for the replies! :)
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