
March 6th, 2011

Any suggestions on how I might improve this photo?
March 6th, 2011
It is what it is, good, as I look at it maybe you could have had the clothespin that is alone be a colored plastic one and title it odd pin out
March 6th, 2011
@rrt That is a great idea... thank you! I am trying to be more creative.
March 6th, 2011
@timpj i like it too but agree the coloured plastic peg could be a cool addition c:D
March 6th, 2011
The color of the sky is terrific!

You could play around with the orientation of the clothespins . . . make some of them hang at an angle, then take shots from different perspectives to get them in profile. It would add some variety to the mostly horizontal lines.

It's a cool shot though. Nice work.
March 6th, 2011
Even though that sky is a fabulous colour it is a boring background for the pegs so it need either the pegs to be at different angles, the pegs to be different colours or the photo to be taken at a different angle.
March 6th, 2011
I would try different angles first, because this angle is the obvious one. Maybe taking the picture along the clothesline and trying to focus on different pins could be interesting. Then you could look at the sky more carefully, if there is something to incorporate into picture (clouds, birds, UFOs...). Shoot against the sun and you can get some neat silhouettes. You could hang pins from each other and create patterns. Or just go crazy and bounce the clothesline or hit the pins to make them go round and get some movement to picture...
March 10th, 2011
@janmaki Hehe, I liked your advice : D
March 10th, 2011
@beautyfly2010 Thanks, my advice seemed to be a conversation killer ;)
March 10th, 2011
@janmaki Yes it did. Oh well. I liked it, and that is all that matters right?!!!??!
March 10th, 2011
i would put some of the pegs at different angles and take from different angles, i have some peg shots of my own somewhere, don't think i uploaded them to here though, they are here on my facebook page!/photo.php?fbid=146192005443683&set=a.138423572887193.28584.138419939554223&theater
March 10th, 2011
Thanks everyone for the great ideas. You are all so creative!
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