First HDR

March 15th, 2011
This is my first attempt in HDR. Comments and suggestions is highly appreciated.

March 15th, 2011
I like that you stayed with a realistic look! But for me, I'd like to see more light on the cushion(is that what that is?) and the floor.

Did you use 3 exposures or 1 photo? and what did you use to process it?
March 15th, 2011
I used 7 exposures in this one.
That's the available light in the scene.
And Photomatix Pro 4 for processing

Thanks man!
March 15th, 2011
I've been playing with HDR the last couple of days with CS5 and Lightroom. Your picture remains realistic which I like a lot. The several times I've processed HDR the end result is very colorful, but not very natural. I've been using 3 exposures (-1, 0, +1) so maybe I need to go to 5 or 7. With Lightroom there are three ways to HDR - single picture with a preset, export to Photoshop HDR Pro, or run a Plug-in (I've tried LR/Enfuse). All methods seem to give nearly the same results for me.
March 15th, 2011
This is great! I tend to dislike most of the HDR shots I see. But you did not overcook this and it looks nice.

Edit: This is not meant to discourage your usage of HDR or to perpetuate the debate. You are going in a good direction with your image here. This is light years ahead of many that I have seen.
March 15th, 2011
@luismacalinao wow 7? I never used more then 5, not that more is a bad thing. And photomatix is a great tool, thats what I use as well.

@mikegifford I would use cs5 over lightroom for your HDR processing, adobe actually made a pretty impressive HDR merger built in. A lot of times when it first processes your photo's it may look to colorful or not what you want, you have to play around with the settings, not every HDR will be the same either so it takes tweaking. As for the number of photo's needed, you can make a good HDR just from 1 photo but I would recommend 3-5.
March 15th, 2011
i like it luis ....
March 15th, 2011
@andrew_pavlik I'll keep working with Photoshop for the HDR. I don't really like all the "un-natural" colors. Do you work the merged HDR in 16 bit and then turn it into 32 bit at the end of the process? In 16/8 bit mode there is more flexibility in the adjustment options.
March 16th, 2011
@mikegifford good question, I just tested the adobe HDR merge and yes, at the drop down menu select 16bit.
March 16th, 2011
I think I just came out lucky this time. =)
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