Make Me Better PLEASE!!

May 2nd, 2010
Just started this project....on day 3....Would love some feedback as I know nothing about the technical side of photography....or just what you think in general about my shots. I really had a better picture of the raindrop about to fall for day two but I uploaded the one that's on there and couldn't change it...Can you change pictures on the free version?
May 2nd, 2010
yes click edit on the picture you ant to change and there is an option to delete. then just upload the better picture.
welcome and happy 365ing!
May 3rd, 2010
thanks :)
May 3rd, 2010
I just wrote a comment on your raindrop picture. I think it is absolutely wonderful.
May 3rd, 2010
I'd love to follow and critique...if you wouldn't mind critiquing me! I LOVE the candy picture!
May 3rd, 2010
I started my project on January 1, but didn't find this site until mid-March. I hope you'll enjoy this site as much as I do. Your work looks great so far - I'm going to follow you.
May 3rd, 2010
i just saw a friend on facebook doing her own project 365 so i googled it to see if there was something to the idea and found this....i also post mine on facebook along with another album for what didn't make the picture of the day.....i find i can't take just one a day....
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