If you wouldn't mine critiquing me

June 13th, 2011
I've been taking pictures for a long time but it wasn't until just recently that I started taking photography a little more seriously. I was hoping that you all could take some time to critique my project a little so I know what I need to improve on. I really want to improve and I am hoping that this project will help with that.
June 13th, 2011
I just took a peek at your images. I am not an export by any means and your only just beginning. What are you editing with? It is amazing what editing/processing your images can do for an image. Try increasing the saturation (such as in the meerkat one). Picnic.com can be fun, photoshop, etc. I am sure others have more recommendations. You are off to an amazing start!
June 13th, 2011
@kaustin I actually haven't been editing with anything. Almost all of my pictures have been sooc. The only ones that have been changed were my photos of the boat and the baseball. The baseball was done on my camera with a filter and I used gimp for the selective coloring.

Thank you so much for the feedback. I really appreciate it.
June 13th, 2011
Not having had the chance to look at your photos yet, if you tag your photos with critique or critique-me then you will get some people looking at them specfically for that reason. Second, if you do some editing it usually helps. No one (to include the likes of Ansel Adams among others) is/was above editing to get the best results. If you over-edit then well maybe there is something to be said, but I have yet to meet someone who can achieve the full results they want exactly with the camera.With some small amount of editing though, it is easily achieved. Long story short, don't be afraid to edit but don't go overboard either! I will look through your album and give you my opinion. I am by no means a professional but I can tell you what I like or don't about the photos!
June 13th, 2011
Gave you some crit. Youre camera likes to underexpose things. I would suggest playing w/ settings in manual mode if its possible (idk what you can/cant do since it doesnt seem to be a DSLR)
If anything, a photo editing program would be your best friend. I know a Curves adjustment in Photoshop would do wonders for some of your underexposed pictures. As well as some contrast and vibrance adjustments.

I would also suggest studying up on Composition a little. I looks like you have an idea of composition at times, but then other times not so much. Turning on a gird layover on your camera is a great help if it has one. While the rules are ment to be broken, you must first have a through understanding of them.

Hope this helps!
June 14th, 2011
@shadesofgrey @3nder Thank you both so much for your critiques. I agree that I do need to try and edit my photos more. I have noticed that my camera likes to underexpose things I am still getting to know this camera since I have only had it for a week or so. It is just a point and shoot with very few features. I don't have a grid layover on this camera. I will definitely read up on composition. I have mostly been winging it.

I went back to the zoo again today and took a few more pictures. I was lucky enough that the tiger was laying up against the glass again so I could revisit that shot. I tweaked them in Gimp, which is what I am using.

June 14th, 2011
@takeapicture Drastic improvement! Much much better [:
The Tiger is so lively now ;D and thats a much better composition too. Well done
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