I need encouragement and advice PLEASE!!!!

May 11th, 2010
I'm an amateur photographer and I have been and am continuing to go through a very rough time in life, I basically spent the last 2 years in hospital and am trying to become involved with life again (not easy). Considering I'm again looking at another hospitalisation very shortly ( I just cant face it yet ) I have lost basically 95% of my friends and just love opening my emails in the morning to see if I have any comments, it really brightens my day!!!! If people can also give me feedback as to how to take better photos etc.. I would appreciate it as I am really loving this project and would love to improve on my photographic skills... Thanks!!!
May 11th, 2010
Well I'm jumping in first, Sarah. You are an amazingly strong person who has hung in there through some very tough times. It is a credit to you and your faith that you can still see so much in life - it comes through your photos! I have loved the shots you have taken and you are constantly amazing me with your creativity. I think I am going to come to you for the tips and feedback :-)
May 11th, 2010
Your photos are really great Sarah! I am going to start following you and giving you feedback on your photos :) It is definitely a nice feeling when you know people enjoy popping in from time to time :)

I hope everything goes well for you. You seem so lovely!
May 11th, 2010
Hi Sarah,

I've become a follower! I'm so sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. I hope things get better for you and you get all of your health issues straightened out. I have a lot of health issues myself but I take it one day at a time. Taking pictures is something I've always loved to do and it makes me happy. I've been taking classes since 2008 so that I can hopefully take better pictures. It's at a community high school so they are very reasonable in cost. Have you thought about looking into something like that in your area?
May 11th, 2010
I'm in...Sending my love from Malaysia to you. I, myself just getting involved with life again...working hard to enjoy life again...365 is the right place!!!
May 11th, 2010
Hi Sarah,

I am so sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch in life. I hope it gets better for you soon.

I just had a look at you project, fav'd your latest one (shattered) and am now following you. Your shots are really nice. You get a nice sharpness and the colours are great. You seem to centre quite a lot of your subjects though. Try using the rule of thirds (explanation here) as a tool to compose shots. I think your photo from 8 May could have benefited from not having the subject (the ducks) centred but instead having them towards the bottom right corner so we can see where the path they are following is leading you all.

Digital Photography School has a great section on composition and lots of other great tips and tutorials.
May 12th, 2010
Thank you all for your responses!! It was such a lovely surprise, I didn't expect the response I've gotten. You are all so kind. Richard - how funny you got in first :-) Thanks for your encouragement and getting me started on the project in the first place it has definitely been a good thing for me. Jenna - thank you for your kind feedback and for following me so I can get some ideas, I too return the comment that you yourself sound lovely. Karen - I would love to go to some kind of photography class but I can't afford it ( I would also love a better camera, same issue though) I had looked more at Tafe courses etc though so I will check about and see if there is anything community based that is cheaper and still helpful, thanks. Hee SC I agree with you totally, 365 is a great way to get started again. Lisa thank you for your ideas and feedback I will definitely give it a go to try and add some diversity and different perspectives. I will also check out Digital Photography School. I don't so well today but I think it's time to go and see what I can find for today's picture xox
May 28th, 2010
Hi Sarah

Sincerely sorry to hear of your ill health - stay strong.

I am fairly new to 365 and have only picked up a camera again after many many years and I think you photos are brilliant.

Best wishes
May 29th, 2010
sarah, count me in. not in a good place myself, but this is good for all of us! hang in there, girl, chris
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