Too much?

June 28th, 2011
Just started learning how to use my editing software, until recently I just used to adjust
exposure/contrast/saturation and used presets in picnik etc.
I had this photo and an idea of what I wanted it to be, I quite like it but if anyone has
any advice on how to improve it I'd be very grateful.I've got the bug and am eager to learn.

June 28th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle Sorry, that was someone elses photo I'd copied for the browse and pick. LOL The boats are my photo. :0)
June 28th, 2011
I really like the glow coming from the buoy/marker/light house, but the flares may be throwing the picture a bit.
June 28th, 2011
@tolpol I am no expert but I think you have to be really selective and cautious with using selective coloring. I think there needs to be a reason for it, something that you really want to highlight. Like I like how u did the selective coloring in the picture with the girl walking by the woods. Anyways this is all just my opinion.
June 28th, 2011
@stephlife Yeah I see your point, maybe I should colour the boats rather than the rocks which would give sense to the sunburst? And remove the flare spots?
June 28th, 2011
I like this picture and can see that it could be an extra special one. I agree that using selective coloring on the boats (perhaps just the boat that is closer) would be better than on the rocks. I think the flare spots could be left in, if you just color the closest boat. You could try it both ways and see which way you like the best.
June 28th, 2011
The sun flare looks really fake (because it is...) and almost look like you had crap on the sensor.
June 28th, 2011
I like the overall picture! For me, selective colouring doesn't work well on the rocks here. I don't see a message in the picture. Perhaps on the boats (or only one boat), depending on what colour they are, I don't know. Or perhaps no selective colouring at all in this case. I would see your picture very well in total b&w with a strong contrast to add a dramatic effect, but it's just me (as you said, you had something in mind, which was different). Are the water drops real or added? They may be interesting in some photos, but here I think they are kind of disturbing.
June 28th, 2011
I'm a huge fan of selective colour and I like it in this picture, even though I haven't seen what it look like with selective colour on the boats or completely b&w, which might be interesting as well. The sunflare I find distracting as well. But the composition and the motif are very beautiful!
June 28th, 2011
Don't like the selective colouring here and the flare looks fake. Keep it all colour or all B&W (probably the former) and remove the flare, it adds nothing to it and in fact distracts, in my opinion.
June 28th, 2011
I agree that the flares are pretty fake-looking. I've never managed to add believable flares afterwards, just made existing ones a little more interesting.
Honestly, I didn't notice the selective coloring at first glance, I just saw the bright spot, which would mean that the selective stuff isn't adding anything to the picture, I guess?
June 29th, 2011
Oh yeah I agree with everyone above. Lose the flares, it looks like salt water got on your lens and dried.
June 30th, 2011
@tolpol I dont really like the flares. Or the big light coming from the Light house. :)
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