check my website(beginner)

June 29th, 2011

Hows everyone? Kindly check my website,, and let me know what you think of my shots. What areas i need to improve on? Tips and comments are welcome =)




im leaning towards wedding photography

is there anyone out here whom i can discuss regarding this?


June 29th, 2011
@jinximages is your man :)

Will check out site though.
June 29th, 2011
Your portraits are good- you have a steady hand and good angles.
keep at it
June 29th, 2011
thanks for the comments guys..

@mary im still learning the basics then eventually would want to break the typical shots or rules..
June 30th, 2011
@tinn I think you're off to a good start, Christine! In regards to the website itself - I do like the modern look of the new wordpress-engined sites (that, and they don't require Flash like my site does), but I do find it a bit clunky. I would consider seeing if a different server might help it run more smoothly. The overall design though, seems good!

In regards to your shots - while there were not a lot for me to look at (I imagine you're still adding to your website's galleries) I do think you have a solid composition foundation. Possibly where you are lacking is in your use of light. I was listening to Barbi Cantrell recently, and she said that, "You can take beautiful portraits anywhere, if you look for the best light, use a fast lens to selectively focus, and fill the frame with your subject." She always spoke about light first and foremost. When you compose, look at where the light is falling on your subject - it is much more important than the setting. Once you start seeing it, it will become second-nature. Chase that light!

Insofar as weddings go, well, they're like a high-octane 12-hour portrait shoot, where you can only pose your subjects some of the time, and where you have to grab your shots the moment you see them or they're lost forever. Still, it is a lot to do with looking for the light, as well as telling a story - so context becomes more important than with portraits. Weddings can be fun, if you don't mind the lack of control and can handle the pressure, but I think it is wise to have a solid grounding in portraits first. You're likely headed in the right direction, from what I can see. If you would like to talk about anything specific, just let me know!

@indiannie_jones Thanks Annie. :)
June 30th, 2011
hi jinx..thanks for the insight. yes im still adding photos in my galleries.will be uploading more tonight. in regards to my website template, the server is just a trial i set up here at work. do you know any server that you can recommend?

in regards to my shots, i can see what you mean. when i attended a workshop they keep talking about the LIGHTS!but didnt really go in depth as they focused more on the composition. now what's the best way on finding these lights?apart from observing of course.sorry if that sounds stupid.but i just want to understand this more.

as for weddings, i had experience one already.the bride and the groom arent that choosy as we were asked the last minute. i was the 2nd photographer at that time.

do you think a studio workshop will help?

where could i contact you if i have any questions?=)

thanks for replying
June 30th, 2011
@tinn No problem. :)

For hosting, I have been very happy with bluehost - great pricing, unlimited bandwidth and website size etc. and great CS response whenever I've needed information or assistance. Easy to use UI as well.

To me, light is all about observation, but it is also something that becomes intuitive over time. When light is being a bit "funny" I will often ask my subject to face me, and keep facing me as I walk around them in a circle - it allows me to see where the light is great, and not-so-great. I spend a lot of that time looking at how it falls on their eyes, as that's usually the best sign (the iris lights up), but also looking at the shadows - interesting shadows make for interesting pictures, but can also distract. So, I suggest starting with that - walk around things to see the light from all angles. It will get easier from there!

Studio workshops are great, if you want to do studio work. You won't do much "studio" style shots for weddings though - most of those are natural light, flash, and OCF (off camera flash). It can help with the OCF stuff of course, but that's in the minority for wedding work. I would look for a natural light workshop, to make the most of your money.

If you want to contact me through my site, the URL is and my email is jinx @ everything after the www (leaving the email address empty here to prevent more bots picking it up and spamming me).
June 30th, 2011
hi jinx i will check blue host and contact them re hosting services.thanks!

is there any particular angle where you could say that angle isnt good cause it has a lot of let say shadow?and do you use particular tools such as reflector all the time?
July 2nd, 2011
@tinn Hey Christine - click that "reply" tag next to the posted date so I get a notification that you want me to read something. ;) I keep finding your repsonses by accident.

Do you mean, in regards to specific photos on your site? Or just generally? If you mean generally, well, it's one of those "how long is a piece of string" kind of questions - there are lots of bad angles for bad shadows, but it depends on the kind of light and environment you have. I do use reflectors, but not all the time (in fact, for weddings, I hardly use them at all). There are always natural reflectors one can use - the ocean, for example, is a fantastic reflector, as is a brick wall, a rocky cliff face, sand, an open field etc - you just have to look for your secondary light source. It's nearly always there, if you find the right angle.

I hope that helps somewhat. :)
July 8th, 2011
Those shots are amazing. I love "the tunnel"
July 8th, 2011
@jinximages hey jink sorry im still new here.haha thanks for your input!ill contact you via your personal email for q's.

@onemoretime thanks dan!
July 8th, 2011
i actually have a question if you use editing software or any editing tools what do you use?
July 8th, 2011
@onemoretime i use photoshop lightroom =)
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