Is this picture good?

June 30th, 2011
I would just like to know if its good. If you have any tips I will use them. I want the critisim to help me. Just dont be to mean. Post one thing you like, one thing you dont like, and MAYBE a tip.
June 30th, 2011
I would increase the contrast a little bit...
June 30th, 2011
it's a pretty flower with nice color. unfortunately, you've got too much in the background that distracts from the beauty of the flower. I would try another angle so you don't get that pole in the photo. try to just have green and/or another flower in the background and try to have the flower fill more of your frame. of course, this is just my opinion. I'm not a professional - just a hobbyist. hope my suggestions help, tho.
June 30th, 2011
I like the color and the focus, I don't like that you cropped the petal off. You were going for the whole flower it looks like, but you left out a part. I would open up your F stop (lowest or lower number) so that the background is more blurred. It is just enough in focus to be distracting to the eye.
June 30th, 2011
Fix your F stop and come in a little more with the crop and it'll be so much better next time.
June 30th, 2011
"Good" is relevant. That's all a matter of personal preference. You should just ask for critique instead :)
June 30th, 2011
Pretty flower, you could take advantage of the upward lines in the stamen and get down low to photograph it upward toward the sky. Get close! When I see something I thinks pretty, I like to try to imagine it from another this case - how would a child see this? Or a bird? Or a bug?

I like the focus, but the contrast and the brightness of the flower are a little off so you have no WOW! factor. When I use post processing on flowers, I try to make the colors as bright an beautiful as I actually saw them. Great start, I hope to see you take some suggestions with you and re-shoot this one while it's in bloom :)
June 30th, 2011
I really like the angle and the color and detail of the flower. I would probably crop in even closer, and like a couple of others have said, adjust so your f-stop is wide open (smaller number) to blur out the background. If it's possible I would see if you can adjust the flower a bit to move it away from that pole, but I'm not sure I'd want to sacrifice that beautiful angle you got on the blossom and its center.
June 30th, 2011
I would make the background more blurred by increasing your aperture.
June 30th, 2011
This is a very beautiful flower! Like the others I would increase contrast and if you have photoshop maybe even select the background and darken it separately. It would also be very nice if the whole flower was in the picture. I know that doesn't help now but for future reference. But seeing this flower shows me you have a good eye for pictures so I'm sure you're off to a good start :).
June 30th, 2011
The different colors in the petals are beautiful! I wish there weren't a black pole in the photo, though. But the flower is gorgeous (I love lilies) and the orange color reminds me of orange sherbet.
June 30th, 2011
The composition of the flower itself is very good. You can't always control your background, but it's extremely important. The black pole and the bright ground is a distraction. If possible, I would have tried to manually re-position the flower so that the background was more uniform and less distracting. Maybe from a different angle such that the green foliage becomes the background.
June 30th, 2011
I know they're edible.
June 30th, 2011
I would change the f-stop to get the DoF and then after maybe go for a square crop... my last two shots are of flowers and I have gone the square crop, it just seems more balanced
June 30th, 2011
thanks for participating on The Critique Game earlier. I like that it is centered and surrounded by green, which gives you a great starting point. For me the flower is a little washed out and not making the strongest statement. I am giving you quick tips that can be found on picasa 3 (download for free from google) or picnik
CROP - I would do a square shape to highlight the flower itself and since the top edge is already cut off, I also crop so the very tip of the bottom was also cropped off.
SHADOWS/CONTRAST – I would increase the contrast to darken the photo a bit. I would also increase the shadows a bit to bring out more color.
WARM – I would warm the photo out, which will really take care of any leftover background
SATURATE – Just a touch to get a more vibrant color.
I find that in bright sunlight, my photos tend to get a bit washed out. Also since you have what looks like a point and shoot that I am not familiar with, but am sure that depth of field and fstops may not be the easiest solution. I sometimes hold my hand over the top of the camera a bit when taking photos on bright days.
Both photos below were edited in picasa only.

June 30th, 2011
@frameit I love that someone else here is doing a square crop. I just love the way it frames the photo more.
June 30th, 2011
like the flower, don't like the black pole behing it, would make sure you get all the flower in and crop out too much dead space either side
June 30th, 2011
I am also learning but best advice I got on this subj. was try to look at the photo in your lens and make sure those things like the pole are not there to start with. Makes life alot easier in the long run. Like I said, I am also new and am still learning all of this too. Beautiful flower and have fun with it.
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