How to improve my animal photos?

July 1st, 2011
Im not the best at animal photos. So, I use my dog to practice on. Once I get a couple pictures of her I like, I will start on animals like squirals, and small rodents.
Is there anything I can improve on my animal pictures. (please dont say my dog isnt cute. it hurts my feelings) Tell me one thing you like, (maybe) something you dont like, (maybe) and MAYBE a suggestion. Thanks.

My dog Libby. :) Shes SO cute.
July 1st, 2011
I think your dog is very cute and the focus on his face is a very good start. As with your flower picture it would help to have his whole head in the frame (his right ear seems to be cut off) and maybe up the contrast in the editing or use a blanket that contrasts your dog's colour more to bring him out a bit more. Hope that helps :).
July 1st, 2011
@jannaellen Thanks:) It helps!
July 1st, 2011
You can even try to move her head to the other side because her body is of less importance. Or maybe even bird- or frogview (or is it called bug-view in englisgh?) Try focusing on other details too. She is looking at the camera so you will automatically look back but her eye is unsharp.
July 1st, 2011
I really love the effort you are making from the start on this project. I have no animals so not really practiced at taking many photos of them.

Photos I like to look at of animals
-when they are being most themselves
-when they are out and running about
-when they get themselves into odd prediciments that just make the photo priceless.
July 1st, 2011
@brumbe ill take your suggestions! :) @mastermek
July 1st, 2011
All of the above suggestions are good ones. In addition to those, I'd like to suggest that when you have a blanket(?) as the background, make sure there's no wrinkles. I like that you have a simple background in this shot and it's great you're making such an effort to learn. :-)
July 1st, 2011
@soxfansara She was actually in a chair. hehe. She stole the chair from me. :) Thanks. I would LOVE to get my photography really good. :)
July 1st, 2011
I think it's an awesome shot. I love the color composition and the sharpness of the photo. Mek's suggestion to center Libby's face (by the way, who could say Libby isn't cute??) is a good one. Aside from that, it is a gorgeous shot. Libby definitely looks good in purple. :)
July 1st, 2011
@lmaras Thanks!:) :) :) (:
July 2nd, 2011
@taytorbug play around with the focus a bit. check out some that i have of my doggies, to get an idea of what i mean... i like to get down to there level or get them outside when they're playing, its fun! and i think your doggie is VERY cute!
July 2nd, 2011
@lifelove Awe. Thanks! :) I will take your idea.0000
July 7th, 2011
Two suggestions
1.face fur , pull out and fluff up
2.paw hanging over edge of basket
I think this picture is great and frame-able. I love this look your getting, he's a loved dog. I never use treats , but rather praise. Its hard to get a relaxed puppy when all they want is a treat, you see the excitement through their eyes and stance.
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