Help and feedback, please :)

July 22nd, 2011
Hi, I've just entered the world of photography literally yesterday. I am still one of those point and shoot, automatic settings kind of person. Would anyone like to critique and give a few tips? Please and thank you.
July 22nd, 2011
1. Macro setting=Your new best friend.
2. Give it time.

I started my project, the only thing I knew, was how to use the macro setting. I'm a bit dyslexic, so I thought for the longest time it was marco. I've done a photo a day for almost 90 days now. It's weird how you pick up little tricks.

365 is an experiment. Try different settings on your camera every day. See what comes of it. My most recent discovery is exposure. (The button will look something like this: +/-) I'll let you figure out what that does.

There's a lot you can do with P&Ss. I know it's no direct help, but it's art. There is nothing direct about art! :P Good luck.
July 22nd, 2011
Thank you!
July 22nd, 2011
Immediately take your camera off automatic!!!!!!! You will learn a lot more by using manual. Then, read, read, read and practice lots. Good luck!
July 22nd, 2011
biggest tip

have fun with it.

aim at what you like and dont take it too seriously

and on a more specific tip- learn your editing software :)
July 22nd, 2011
@frontporchview @mjkthorpe Very good advice! I couldn't have said it better myself!
Seriously, get your camera off of auto. And take photos every chance you get!!
July 25th, 2011
yep,try and take it off auto,play with the settings and experiment,it doesn't matter if you take a load of rubbish, you can delete it and start again,before 365 i tried to make notes of which settings i had used to achieve a picture i liked, now all that info is given in the info on here so i can try and recreate an image by looking back at that
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