Thoughts on this self portrait...

August 2nd, 2011
Just want some thoughts on what you think of my self portrait. any tips or ideas for future self portraits of this sort.
August 2nd, 2011
wow brave shot! works well, maybe play with the amount of background seen?
August 2nd, 2011
.... its nice .... i like double exposure ....

dont be afraid .. =)
August 2nd, 2011
with portraits, the most honest part of it, is the face, and in particularly the eyes. Often when a photographer doesn't show all of the image, we assume the viewer can "think" what is missing.

I think this shot has too much foreground and doesn't give the viewer enough information. I, as the viewer have no idea why you are portrayed in this way. You're grubby and you have dirty feet, but I get no sense as to why.

It is a brave shot because you are nude, but it lacks emotion. How does the viewer even know that it is a self portrait?
August 2nd, 2011
@bobfoto Hey man, thanks for the feed back, your points are all valid, i appreciate the feed back :) next time ill position my camera a little better so as to get less foreground. Thanks again
August 2nd, 2011
@alk1991 - Hey Adam, I am just one voice, and if you look at my 365 project you'll notice a lack of self portraits... maybe I'm not the best to listen too???
August 2nd, 2011
It's beautiful! I do agree with the foreground statements...just because in a way, it makes it looks like you struggled to not have the head in it....does that makes sense?
August 2nd, 2011
I personally really like how you've excluded the face, I think it adds to the ghostly kinda feel, but having said that I do agree with the foreground statements, it's nothing too distracting though, I still find the image interesting and clever. Having said all this, I've only jut started with self portraits so I'm by no means an expert. Just keep playing around, I looked through your 365 and I really like what you've done so far :)
August 2nd, 2011
I agree with the comments about losing some of the foreground but I have to politely disagree that just because you can't see the face it's lacking emotion or doesn't tell a story. I think the double exposure definitely shows the anguish and suffering but even without that my brain would fill in the gaps of the story when seeing a naked, dirty person crouched on the ground. It may not be perfect yet but I like what you're trying to do. For me this project is all about trying out ideas and figuring out how to improve them if the shot doesn't come out as planned so it'll be interesting for you to take this feedback and give it another go.
August 2nd, 2011
@sourkraut i agree with you about the emotion, my heart jumped into my throat when i saw it as it seemed full of raw anguish to me,i would like to see it with the crouched figure being the one that stands out more and the kneeling one more faded to see if it makes it feel different, i don't know if that would be possible though,its the crouching figure that i am drawn to
August 2nd, 2011
@sourkraut @sallycheese I agree with the both of you about the raw emotion...I just couldn't express I said beautiful... which I still think it is, too. I was wondering what he's holding and what does it mean? The more I look, the more I appreciate it. There is a story here...
August 2nd, 2011
The emotion is there...even confusion. Nice Job....Maybe next time bring the camera down closer to the ground. The downward angle doesn't seem to add anything.
August 2nd, 2011
I agree with the statements about less foreground and maybe a lower perspective on the shot. that said, I get the raw emotion of this and it makes me want to cry.
August 6th, 2011
@houdiniem @gavincci @5unflow3r @mollychase @sourkraut @sallycheese @tjramutkowski @stepheesue
hey guys thanks so much for the feedback, im glad alot of you felt some of the emotions i was trying to convey with this image, ive taken on board what you all said and have re done the shot, slightly different, im not sure if i like this one more or less. but here you go.
August 6th, 2011
hmmmm interesting. i keep going back and forth. I think i like the second one more. they both have very unique qualities. well done and very thought provoking.
August 6th, 2011
I like both, as ido really like the crop in the first but love the contrast of the skin on the second.
August 6th, 2011
I think I like the second one better....Still like both though
August 6th, 2011
i like the composition of the second one better but the crouched down pose and skin tones in the first one i find more impacting
August 8th, 2011
I didn't get number one, number two much better to me, better contrast, you have a head, pulls up alot of emotion, and sadness
August 8th, 2011
i actually prefer the first one

i quite like that it doesnt show your face although i would have cropped it closer to your legs

very nicely done
August 9th, 2011
your second shot is perfect......nice camera position....well done!!!!
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