How am I doing?

August 18th, 2011
Just a few months ago I started to really get into photography. I went ahead and treated myself to a better camera and since then been having fun. But I'm having more fun on the smaller things like bugs. Anyways I could use some tips and ways to get better. I don't do any special effect with the photos, just take the photo and edit the size. Am I off to a good start or should I stop and try something different in photo area that may be more learn able for beginners?

August 18th, 2011
Well certainly don't stop! You have some great stuff! Nice close-ups. The mosquito is awesome!
August 18th, 2011
an amazing start,freaked out a bit by the moth/butterflies as i'm not a fan but i can appreciate your talent
August 19th, 2011
Do not stop!!! Your pics are great (even though I'm not a fan of the bug scene either!!)
August 19th, 2011
I had already posted some comments but I must be having a moment. Plenty of people take pictures of bugs or whatever. Your pictures are fine. You've only started taking pictures a few months ago and have a lot to learn. Even the seasoned photographers continue to learn. As far as stopping and doing something else. Strike that! Everyone has their own opinion and the only thing you will hear from people here are the positive things. So, get out there and take lots of pictures and learn lots of things and have a good time doing it. :-)
August 19th, 2011
@friesianfury Just took a quick look at your photos. You have taken some nice shots. You should try to expand what you shoot. Try doing some themes or take a look at other peoples work and try to get some ideas from them
August 19th, 2011
I took a look at some of your shots. You are doing some good work. Great detail on the spider. I like the two August hummingbird shots. I am working on getting good hummingbird shots. I am an amateur, but I will try to pop in from time to time with some comments.
August 19th, 2011
You're off to a great start! The key to photographing the little critters is probably focus and most of the time, getting the eyes in focus is critical to a good shot. You've done exactly that, so just carry on with what you're doing. It's a good idea to go through the site searching under 'macro insect' and seeing what others are doing - some of the best tips you can get are just from looking at photos you like! However, don't always stick to your comfort zone - try new things too.
Is there anything in particular you want to do - there'll always be someone who can pass on tips!
August 20th, 2011
I want to thank everyone for the great tips that have been left on my photos and here. I'm taken them to heart and will be doing what was suggested to expand my photo taken skills.

I really want to expand out of the bug faz and more into objects, people, animals and landscaping. I think this will be a goal to go for over the nest year on 365 :)
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