Senior Portrait suggestions

September 27th, 2011
I am taking my daughter's senior pictures. I am not a professional, but I can take a decent picture. Decent enough to save more than $200 by doing it myself. I am looking for advice on posture, hand, feet placements, well as any other feedback you have for me. We took some the other day and now we are reviewing them to see what we like/don't like and will probably take some more. It was a hot, humid, sticky day and the hair started frizzing, the smile was becoming forced. She thought that she wants a full body picture for her yearbook. Picture # 16 is kind of what she had in mind. But is now favoring #9 and #21 pose. If you wouldn't mind following the link to the other pictures and your thoughts would be much appreciated. None of them have been edited. Not all of them are ones we are considering, but I thought if I can get some ideas maybe we can redo some of them. I plan to use an editing service to enhance it. I have found a few online for about $30 and on etsy for cheaper.
September 27th, 2011
12 and 21 for me
September 28th, 2011
The best advice you can get is go with your daughter's personality. Let her pose first then move her hands, arms, chin, etc just enough to make the picture look right. You don't want her doing something with her hands in her picture that she would not normally do. Senior pictures now a days are about the person and their personality. Also have some with "props." Like if she loves to read, have some with a book.... if she loves smurfs, let her have a smurf in a picture or two. You really are the best one to know how to do these since you know her.
September 28th, 2011
I liked almost all of them that didn't have the wooden chair/bench in them. Somehow she looked really stiff in all of the pix with that wooden bench. I really like the first set. Nice poses, smiles and there was bokeh.
September 28th, 2011
Your daughter is so pretty! I hope she has a wonderful senior year. I can't give you any advice because I have never taken portraits, but I do think you have some nice choices here! 8,12 and 16 are my personal favorites. Be sure and show us your final choices!
October 1st, 2011
A lot of them looked really forced...
But I think my overall favorite would be #16, with #17 coming in second, simply because she looks the most relaxed and natural in #16. In 17, she looks a little more...tense or something, but it's a closer shot, and you can see her better. If you can get something like 17, but more relaxed, then that would be what I'd go for.
Is it a requirement that she be looking directly at the camera? Because if not, I might turn her slightly away, and I would take the photos when she's least expecting it. Bring one or two of her friends along, if you can, and have them be with you and talking to her, so she's distracted. Then snap a few shots every time she's not paying attention to you! That's just me though, hopefully this helps.
October 1st, 2011
@awtehskyscryin The ones you like are the ones that she likes best too. She wants a full body shot...I prefer the closer ups. Here's one I captured of her texting.

The poses in the ones you like is what she had in mind too. We are going to take some more. Thanks to everyone for all your suggestions.

October 2nd, 2011
@lbaker Yeah, I like this kind of thing a lot better, but for a senior portrait, it'd be better if she were looking more towards the camera right? I do this kind of thing with my friends all the time-just holding the camera in my hands and when they turn slightly towards me, I'll shoot the picture. It gives it a candid feel to it, and I feel like that brings more life to the photo. Also, maybe you can compromise? Get a shot that's maybe 3/4 of the body?
Hope you get something you both are really happy with!
October 2nd, 2011
@awtehskyscryin No, I wouldn't use this for her senior picture. But it does capture who she is (well pretty much any teenager these days)- Always texting.
October 3rd, 2011
12,17 my fav
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