Would love some oppions on my photos!!

October 19th, 2011
Just looking for some feed back on my photos!!! :)
October 19th, 2011
Just looked through your photos - Great shots, they are wonderful!!! good luck with the project!!! :)
October 19th, 2011
Thanks :) so far I am loving it!! Good luck with yours too :) @tigervolleyball
October 19th, 2011
Hi emily, not really qualified to give critique on your photo's (just started with photography myself)- but can share some useful resourses i have found in last few months
software - love picassa and picnic (cause there free)
Just finished 'understanding exposure' book by byran patterson and about to read learning to see creatively and they have helped me a lot - he also have lots of how to videos on you tube
I also get a lot of info from DPS (digital photography school website)
Hope that is helpful
Above all have fun!!!!
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