wonder what you think?

October 29th, 2011
I've been doing this project since January, and I fell my photos have improved.Earlier this week, I put up a photo that I really thought was one of the best I had done, but it got one comment, and only a handful of views....
is there something wrong? am I missing something?
any ideas would be appreciated!
October 29th, 2011
Doesn't come across until you hit the magnifying glass. Hope is hardly legible in the medium format. Nice shot, though!
October 29th, 2011
It is very dark. From this monitor, I can see what you are trying to achieve... but it doesn't really jump out and grab me. Even in our darkest moments, Hope should not be buried, nor hidden. Nor scurried away in the shadows...

There are some real conflicting feels in this shot. It is emotive but is it cohesive?
October 29th, 2011
yup on the thumbnail of the photo everything comes out really dark and you dont notice what you are looking at its only when you go to the larger picture that you can see, as most people click on a shot because of the thumbnail image this may be why its not getting as many views
October 29th, 2011
I feel the same way sometimes ....i'm in love with a shot and no one else seems to like it ! email me - quinn248@verizon.net ....we can chat about it :)
October 29th, 2011
@jquinn I will! are you on facebook? :-)
October 29th, 2011
NO, i got off about 6 months ago ....i feel the same way you do -so email me...we can have a good laugh :)
October 29th, 2011
Kim I am really behind on commenting these days...so I have missed several photos of people I usually follow. I think it's the earlier darkness setting in...makes me want to go to bed at 9. LOL
October 29th, 2011
@5unflow3r ditto to what Trina said! I've missed some days also.

This is very dark on my monitor and the word Hope is very hard to see.
October 29th, 2011
@karens68 i lightened it on my project. let me know if it's better. thanks!
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