November 9th, 2011
Im new here at 365 and i have only one follower, my boyfriend :)
I am quite serious about my photography but i need and want some critique from people with more experience than me...Very interested in what others think of my work...any advice or comments on my shots would b appreciated :)
November 9th, 2011
Hi and welcome to 365. Usually how it works around here is if you follow someone they will more than likely follow you. Unless that person is already following a good number of people (it gets hard to keep track of a big group) or coming to the end of their projects. We have a good variety of people around here from hobbyist to big time professional. A great way to find people to follow is go into "Browse" and click one of the tabs many people find people to follow on the POP (popular page). Also, regarding the critique there are many things you can do to get this... post in your description that you want feedback, also tag "Critque-Me" and get involved in the topics for instance... browse and picks. Themes are a great way to help the "Block" most of us get from time to time. Most importantly, have fun with your project!

Hope that helps!
November 9th, 2011
Thx for the advice, will definitly do :)
November 9th, 2011
Done. I'll wait and see your latest offerings. Caren has given you the best advice. Here it is pretty well what you put in, you'll get back. I've been here for over 3 months and it is the best thing if you want to get to know your camera and increase your skills. Welcome aboard.
November 9th, 2011
Welcome to 365!!

If I may add to what @shortperson2002 has said, it's not just following other people that gets you followers. It really helps if you comment on the people you follow and respond in kind to those who comment on your photos.

I think you'll also find that you'll pick up more followers as you post more photos. Some people watch, and wait and see if you are dedicated to the project before following. Although, I have to say that I am forever grateful to the person who commented on my first photo (it was bad, but she found something good to say) and followed me soon thereafter.
November 9th, 2011
Welcome to 365! I think the real key is to follow others and then some of them will follow you back. In addition, I suggest you participate in the challenges and the themes. Each week, you have a chance to post your favorite photo of the week. Sometimes, other members will ask for members to post your photos on a specific subject or theme. Any of these are good ways to get your photos in front of the eyes of other 365 members. I saw one photo this week and decided to follow this person.
November 9th, 2011
Welcome! If you love photography, you will love it here! Everything has been said above, I just wanted to say I agree with @herussell, if you just follow people but never comment on your pics, they will hardly look at yours and leave you comments. A large number of people who follow me never comment on my pics, and because I comment back in priority to the ones who comment on mine (we are all very busy and have to make choices), I never see their work.
Take your time, follow the ones that inspire you, followers will come gradually :-)
November 9th, 2011
I'm already loving it here. Everyone seems so nice and helpful which is exactly what I need.
Thx so much for the advice, I am looking forward to this journey :)
November 9th, 2011
If you want to notify someone that you replied to them, just click the reply @ in their comments. They will get a little notification in the speech boxes on the top of their page with a link to where they were mentioned! You probably have noticed since people have been commenting on your discussion you have recieved a few notices up there
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